Hiring Caesars Entertainment LLC


Name of the Company: Ceasers Entertainment LLC
Company Owner: LVMH Co. Holdings Incorporated
Location of the Company Headquarters Sandstone Building: Level 5
Short description of your company: We are an entertainment company specializing in Casinos and nightclubs.
Who is working for you in what positions?: Currently myself Gikohanno and Inputtoe
Are you hiring? If so, will there be an application process? You’re also encouraged to make a format people fill out in order to become employees with a Terms of Service agreement.: Yes I am hiring. Yes, there will be an application process please message me on discord.
On what conditions are you hiring if you are? (wage, tasks, etc.); Wages start at 15 for every 15 minutes I do not use the company plugin but rather I use payroll bare that in mind.
How can players buy from you or make use of your services? (i.e. the location of your shop or the instructions on how to request services)
Anything else you want to tell players, such as images of the company HQ, some services you did before, vouches, and similar.: My store is a shopfront and located at 284 64 -70.