Government Cabinet Reports [July 2022]


Staff member
Minister of Public Affairs
Minister of Internal Development
Department of Agriculture
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Department of Construction
Mayor of Ocean City
Public Affairs Minister
Dept. of Economy: Minister Tracefais

Department Progress
This month I took over DoE and promoted Flyingzebra7 to deputy minister.
To have more space for public communication with the DoE a ticket tool was added to DoE discord so public can get help and make suggestions.
There was a a bit of confusion where and how data is being stored for DoE and Matty707 is organizing/transferring files to the official DoE google drive.
After not been updated for months, DoE added summer decor heads added to gov mall shop.
With the new wild plot limits, industrial claim applications have been opened to allow companies to apply for wild claims that prove to help the economy.
After going through current perms and employee lists, I fired inactive employees that still had DoE tags.

Upcoming Projects
- New gui based tender shop in progress
- Continue quests, ie right more and continue fisherman's plight
- Organize a property tax based on districts when 1.19 map is done

Additional Notes
Need writers for questlines if anyone wants to apply for labor officer!!

Dept. of Health: Minister Dark_Shadow_Wolf

Department Progress
Currently the department was able to have pox slightly more under control but the possibility of the percentage going to 0 is still to be discussed. Ducki and Nightmare were able to get me all the time zones and they continue to get those time zones from the new doctors ever since we opened the exam.

Upcoming Projects
- Doctors can prescribe medicine to pharmacists - The medicine will relieve some diseases, and then the disease will eventually go away (the law will have to be updated).
- EMT Job - We hope to have this job be implemented as it would increase RP in the DoH and suggestions have been brought up about having an ambulance.
- Health Insurance - This insurance would be either offered to new players for a bit or it could be a monthly charge that they get, and this would lower the cost of certain stuff. Example, if we add the EMT job it would lower the cost of the ambulance
- Blood Drive - for doctors to get vaccines we sometimes have to have blood from a player. Doing a blood drive once in a while we can get what we need, and in return players can get a certain amount of krunas as a thank you for donating blood.

Additional Notes
The plugin still has the possibility that it could change. This could be something small or big but it depends if we find anything that needs to change or not. We will only change something if it benefitial. If any issues come up or anyone has any suggestions or improvement issues we would love to hear them out in the suggestions tab in the DoH discord server and the doctor exam is open (again)!

Dept. of Public Affairs: Minister Mickichu

Department Progress

Forums has been cleared of any unnecessary threads, in preparation of new guides. The tour guide, guide has been completed and posted on forums and in the DoPA discord - a few touch ups needed after new tour guide training session discussion. Training for Event planners and Tour guides have been discussed with senior members of the department and we hope to complete all of these by the end of August.

Discussions on having two event planners in charge of weekly events to ensure we are providing more consistent events hosted at times suitable for different time zones. We are hoping to have this run smoothly by the end of August also.

Events have dropped, but the ones we have hosted were successful and we have a big event coming for August.

Upcoming Projects
The summer prom is the next big event we have planned for mid-end of August. We also hope to bring back some popular events and work out what events work best with the low player base we are dealing with currently.

Additional Notes
Join the department as either an event planner or tour guide!! We are working on new training and are open to all ideas for whatever event you have in mind.

Dept. of Agriculture: Minister Cookiez

Department Progress

This past month, we have has some discussions regarding activity and completed a major activity projects as a reminder to continue to do work as often as possible. We have gotten a new landscaper headquarters placed and a NFS building (thanks to the DoC). The landscaper exam has also received a major update.

Rangers have been able to complete the wild warps project and given a theme to each warp. The themes are as follows; Warp 1 - Gas Station. Warp 2 - Snowy Village. Warp 3 - Village Center. Warp 4 - Wildlife Reserve.

Agriculture Secretaries have spent the month continuing work on landscapers, including training and paying their reports. They have also shifted their focus into other major projects including creating a mentorship system for landscapers, the pet shop, and the national food service. Each of these projects are outlined as follows:

Landscaper Training - This project will create a system for a landscaper to work with a ranger on wild reports or other projects. This will allows for landscapers to learn more about the department's work expectations and give an insight into the way the department runs in hopes they seek a higher position in the department.
Pet Shop - The pet shop will serve as a place for the government to supply more exotic pets to players. These animals will include Pandas, Parrots, Llamas, and more.
National Food Service (NFS) - This projects will see the implementation of a connection between government and the farmers. The DoA will buy food from farmers which will be sold in a shop for players to buy.

> 12 Wild Reports (+1)
> 31 Inactive Region Reports (+10)
> 11 Animals Adopted out (-16)
> 0 Animal Abuse Case (-2)

Upcoming Projects
We hope to complete one of the major AS projects in the next month and increase basic ranger productivity by encouraging inactive region reports and wild reports more.

Additional Notes
As usual, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out!

Dept. of Construction: Minister PinkPanda_

Department Progress
Plans for the skyscraper district have been redrawn with the help of the Deputy Prime Minister, this includes the height limits in certain regions of that area. Department Build Battle was hosted on the 11th of July with four Assistant Constructors attending. Progress on the new museum has been made in the DoC world this has been constructed by the Public Affairs minister and myself. Anxstcity has also built an exterior for the Department of Agricultures National Food Service. An announcement has also been made about the two available projects with all Assistant Constructors reacting, the corresponding channels for these projects have been made as well giving an overview of what needs to be completed.

Upcoming Projects
Assistant Constructors that chose this project will all build 1 skyscraper each for the district in the DoC world, where they will be assigned a plot each. Another project that will hopefully be completed is the department buildings, the assistant constructors will not have a set build size but must remember to not go over the top. Where they will be building this in the DoC world is still to be found.

Additional Notes
Due to the Minister of Construction continuing to be inactive, PinkPanda_ is Acting Minister

Dept. of Justice: Minister Ted

Department Progress

The new DoJ Discord is about to be opened! This will help the DoJ reset, wiping the slate clean and starting again, meaning more organisation within the department. It will make it easier for our officers to navigate and keep track of those who break the law. Ryan_88 is now my deputy minister and I have full faith in him to support me throughout this reform and into the future. We have also changed the job title of ‘Police Cadet’ to ‘Informant’, which also involves adjusting what this role is, more information on this will be coming soon.

The Police Officer script is now finalised and ready to be handed out to new officers. Although we will always try to have one on one training with new officers, this script now means that if there is nobody available to train, officers can now start their job immediately with help from this script and guide. We have also cleared up the department, firing those who are inactive and have not reapplied for new roles since the DoJ reset.

During the creation of the new discord there were challenges in deciding what channels and categories needed to be kept and which ones didn't. After consulting with my senior team and others around the government I believe I have included everything I need, however I am always open to suggestions if someone feels they can improve upon this.

Upcoming Projects
Within the next couple of days the new DoJ discord will be rolled out to the public, transitioning completely over from the old one. I also expect there to be more restructuring around the law within BC, including reworking the structures of the Emergency Protocols, clearing up the procedures when an officer is chasing a criminal and rewriting the Sergeant and Captain guides. I will also start work on redesigning the laws, allowing Police Officers more flexibility and more roleplay opportunities for them as well as criminals. I also plan on working closely with the Deputy Prime Minister, creating DoJ content for BC Broadway.

Additional Notes
I am excited to give citizens more opportunities to interact with the DoJ and have more avenues in order to roleplay. However this will take time so please be patient, know that it is in the works.

Dept. of State: Minister Sumo

Department Progress
The Department of State has undergone many changes to roles and the way we do things. We have added Electoral Officers and Auditors.
We have already audited the Department of Public Affairs and submitted the report to the Prime Minister.

Upcoming Projects
We have 4 department and town audits planned and we intend to have them done by end of term

I will begin training our electoral officers on the new election procedures in the coming weeks as the new constitution and election processes/requirements are released. We are getting ready for an amazing election season.

Additional Notes
The Department of State is dedicated to clean and fair elections and under my leadership, we will have them.