BlockeryInc - Company Information Thread


  • Name of the Company: BlockeryInc
  • Company Owner: _CitrusTea
  • Location of the Company Headquarters: This company temporary headquarters are located at: X: 336 Y: 25 and Z: 21. This is located at the bottom floor of the CMM mall, I am looking to buy a bigger plot so I will update this when that changes.
  • Short description of your company: We sell all types of blocks, we even do special deliveries around all types of spots.
  • Who is working for you in what positions? I have currently ShadowLink17 as the Financial Manager and Spacified as a temporary employee.
  • Are you hiring? If so, will there be an application process? Not currently, but BlockeryInc will be hiring soon and there will be a format and such...
  • On what conditions are you hiring if you are? Currently am not hiring.
  • How can players buy from you or make use of your services? There will be a discord up very soon, that then we can take special orders for. I also have a chest shop located at the bottom floor of the CMM.
  • Anything else you want to tell players, such as images of the company HQ, some services you did before, vouches and similar. These are the current images, although, I will update this if it changes.