Pending BlackSyth's application for a Private Event Grant


A Used To Be Fun Member
- In-game Name: BlackSyth
- Event Name: Hide and Seek in Westridge
- Join Date: March 28, 2020
- Current Playtime: 11 days, 8 hours
- Current Balance: 295.50 kr
- Requested Amount: 5000
- Detailed Event Plan: Over the last week I have thrown several Hide and Seeks in Westridge and we have had everyone go and hide. The seeker goes and finds them and then the last one not found by everyone wins the money. We have had about 4-5 games so far.
- Additional Information: Right Now we can't have more until we have a bit of money to throw some more hide and seeks. Also, these bring more people to Westridge and help people spread out more across the server also


Hey, I like your event idea, but 5000 is a bit out of our budget for an event like this. The most we can offer at the moment is 500 Krunas.


A Used To Be Fun Member
Hey, I like your event idea, but 5000 is a bit out of our budget for an event like this. The most we can offer at the moment is 500 Krunas.
Im alright with that, I just went for the max since I've been hosting a lot. But whatever you can give is fine by me and Im very happy that your willing to help out the community