Denied Avaneesh2008 | EcoBank

Business/company Owner Name: Avaneesh2008

Co Owner's: None

Services Provided:
Bank Accounts - EcoBank will provide different types of bank accounts with different fees and interest payments. We will provide 2 different account types at first which are Savings account (more interest but more fees) and Checking accounts (less interest but less fees).
Loans - We will also provide loans to players with accounts with interest rates. The interest rate and the amount loans will be determined based on reason of loan and past credit history. Late fees will be applied if payments are late.
Checks - EcoBank will provide a way for players with accounts to give "checks" to other players with or without bank accounts. These players can file a request with EcoBank to get the money. If the player does not have enough funds, they money will still be withdrawn but their account will not be able to transfer money out until the deficit is paid and overdraw fees are paid

Discord Username: Geobeeuser

Discord Link for Business [ If Applicable, Note; it is recommend you have a business discord ]: