Pending Astro0923's application for a Government Business Grant


- In-Game Name: Astro0923
- Company Name: Great Harvests
- Join Date: Two Weeks Ago/August 14
- Current Playtime: 1 Day, 21 Hours, 45 Minutes
- Current Balance: 2279.63 Krunas
- Requested Amount: 4500 Krunas
- Business Plan: Great Harvests doesn't only harvest crops, we harvest mostly anything harvestable. Well, that's the plan. For now, we are in the crops and meat industry. We are in the process of expanding into the Wood industry, once we get a Lumber Jack. But the main part that makes Great Harvest good, is because we offer the lowest prices out there. And if you find a lower price we will match it. The goal is to try to make Great Harvest the place you go to get harvestables. We try our best to not craft anything. That way, you don't pay for the labor cost. There are a few exceptions, such as food the chef cooks, baked potatoes, and bread (ETC). But that is the main business structure. And the more money we get, we would like to expand to other locations, cities, and towns.
- Additional Information: NONE


Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Deputy Prime Minister
Department of Public Affairs
Deputy Prime Minister
Good luck astro, but maybe you should try a private investor like IDA or something??


My apologies, this one fell through the cracks. Are you still interested in the grant?