Bill: Rejected Addition of Cellphones to BusinessCraft


Mayor of Covington
Addition of Cellphones to BusinessCraft

Type of motion (Edit/Removal/Creation): Creation

Elaboration & Reasoning:

Awhile back, as some of you may remember, a plugin called Phones was suggested ( This Motion is here to recommend the implementation of this plugin to the Parliament. While this Suggestion was declined due to an Owner disapproving of it, the poll that was created along with the thread wielded a clear result: Players want Phones.

It is important to hear the voice of players when thinking of implementing a new feature, and that is why we have pointed this out.

The Phones plugin would add a new sense of modern realism to the server, and enable players to communicate in a way that is much more fitting for a city roleplay server such as BusinessCraft.

The plugin for Phones can be found here: While it does cost a small sum of money, we believe it would be a much-worthy addition to the server (assuming that BusinessCraft has funds to purchase this future addition)

Other Information:
This motion is a collaboration between Member of Parliament jmarti07 and Moderator SlimeEmperor​


Staff member
As I said in your suggestion:
I've tested this plugin on a private server of mine and I have decided not to add it to the server. The plugin has some bugs, doesn't have some features we already have with private messages and overall wasn't updated at all since release.
Thanks for the suggestion and to everyone who voted in the poll.

The plugin looks pretty cool on that page--I'll admit it--however, I've tested it and it just doesn't work the way I imagined it to. It makes messaging more complicated; for example: it doesn't have actual phone calls, but rather just text messages, and you have to do /phone while holding a Phone block and click on a player's head every time you want to message or even reply to a player's message.


That Guy Who Stalks You
Hm... It does sound interesting, but if it isn't good quality, I would vote NAY. :P


Mayor of Covington
As I said in your suggestion:

The plugin looks pretty cool on that page--I'll admit it--however, I've tested it and it just doesn't work the way I imagined it to. It makes messaging more complicated; for example: it doesn't have actual phone calls, but rather just text messages, and you have to do /phone while holding a Phone block and click on a player's head every time you want to message or even reply to a player's message.
Due to your point, me and Jmarti are looking at other possible plugins. Thank you.
I apologize for my misunderstanding, in my Suggestion you didn't really describe this much.