Accepted AbiDarkmoon's application for access to the Entrepreneur shop


- In-game name: AbiDarkmoon
- Company name: AbiCo
- Date joined server: 06/21/2017
- Current playtime: 46 days, 22 hours, 47 minutes
- What does your company specify in?: My company specifies in Buying/Selling Building materials to the players, such as Concrete, and wood, we also sell farming supplies such as Wheat, and Watermelons
- How long has your company been operating? 2 months
- Tell us about your company: AbiCo, is the company for the players, we sell building materials, and we also have storage units coming soon, but AbiCo is not just for profit, it is also for the players to earn money, we buy from the players if we need it!
- Additional Information: AbiCo is a company for the players, we want nothing but the best for the players, and we are more than happy to help the money flow stay in the player base!


I'm glad that you took the time to make another, more informative, application. Nevertheless, accepted.