_Zzz_King_'s Election Post (March 2021)


_Zzz_King_’s Election Post

Hello everyone my name is _Zzz_King_ , but you can just call me Z, ZZZ, ZZ, or King if you want. I am running for the position of Member of Parliament once again!

About Zzz

I joined BusinessCraft during May of 2020 and I have a playtime of 33 days. I have loved my experience on this server ever since. Running a business is fun, doing government work is amazing, and serving the people is the most honorable thing anyone could do and I’m thankful to have been able to get the opportunity to do that last term. Some quick facts about me is that I own Hunting Industries, I’m the founder of Z SHOPS, and I work for the DoJ, DoH, and DoA. All of these amazing experiences I’ve had on this server motivates me to work hard as an MP to make it amazing for other people as well.

My Strengths

Hardworking: I’m always willing to put extra time into parliament related things. I won’t rest until I'm finished.

Active: I am very active politically and in-game as well so I will always have an idea what arising problems are and what people generally want.

Open-Minded: I am very open to exploring many different ideas even if I don’t necessarily agree with them. If it’s what the people want, I will always look into it.

Here are some things I accomplished last term:

Government Injunction Clarification Act:


The purpose of this act was to give people a better idea of how MP’s are punished and not have the idea that MP’s could abuse their high position easily.

Grace For New Players Act:


The purpose of this act was to give new players a chance to get a good understanding of the Murder Law before being punished, but in the end it proved to be a bit to complicated and not really used, so I replaced it with a simple edit to the Initiating PvP Amendment.

Initiating PvP Amendment Act Edit:


This law simply changes the first offence of murder punishment to a verbal warning. No other variables. This gives all players a better way to learn. I believe everyone deserves just one chance to change before being punished. This also makes it so killing people in disguise will result in the normal punishments for murder.

I also had the honor of helping to create the constitution.

Other Bills I have passed:

https://mcbusinesscraft.com/forum/threads/post-vault-insurance-act.10880/ (Credit to Lobster)


https://mcbusinesscraft.com/forum/threads/refusal-of-service.10964/ (Credit to Shadow)

https://mcbusinesscraft.com/forum/threads/government-jobs.11622/ (Credit to Shadow)


Plans for the Next term:

  • Keeping laws simple and possibly simplifying laws, but maintaining some intricacy of the server at the same time. To elaborate a little bit more on this I’ll just be seeing if laws can be combined and clarified as well, but not losing their core components.

  • Making sure players are heard no matter who they are. No matter what your position on the server or even your past reputation, your opinion should still be heard.

  • Make laws more accessible. As seen in a recent survey, most people have trouble keeping up with laws and it is our duty to make sure they know them. To help with this, I plan to use bill-chat more often so people can see more than us just proposing bills out of nowhere. If possible I’d also support adding a link to the rest of the laws that aren't in the rules and laws page, into that page.

  • To pass bills that help everyone in the community and not just for the sake of passing bills.
  • To look for ways to give purpose to exam jobs since ESL is gone. (I'm still brainstorming on this, it may or may not be possible.)

  • I will also work on improving current bills if there is room for improvement.

Last term I definitely made mistakes, but if I get re-elected this term I will definitely use that opportunity to improve my performance. I will do my best to keep things relatively simple compared to last term. I'm always open to new ideas so you can always just send me a quick message of what you think should be done this term. Thanks for taking to time to read this and I hope you will vote in the upcoming election!
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I support your idea with trying to keep everyone on board with new legislation being passed your first idea seems interesting. Best of luck!


Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Deputy Prime Minister
Department of Public Affairs
Deputy Prime Minister
GL King Zzz!! I have no questions about yur campaign its very clear