Denied _CitrusTea's application for Police Officer


- In-game name: _CitrusTea
- Age: 13
- Date joined server: 8 months ago
- Current playtime: 20d 16h 38m
- Why do you want to be a Police Officer: I would like to become a police officer simply not for the money, but to help improve the server and spread good behavior and make it a habit. I hate seeing crime happen on the server so I would like to put it to an end. The money doesnt concern me at all, I've always been wanting to become a police officer and I think that I can make many people's crime sprees end. I would like to bring justice and peace to the server.
- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring a well behaved player and active one, I can bring many crimes down and will never fall for a trick like bribery and such. I love the server and would like to improve it in many ways possible, like becoming a police officer, I personally enjoy the time of me being on the server, but hate to see crime happen and no PO's are on. I am very active and will most likely be the only PO on and be able to stop them.
- Additional Information: :D ty for reading this!
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Daddy Dwerpy
Department of Internal Development
Department of Justice
weren't you in a riot 5 hours ago and also good luck citrus hope you the best!