Denied WheatlyCorps's Application For Hospital Secretary

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Actually the best
- In-game name: RoadhogSmurf (Changing it to WheatlyCorps sometime this month)

- Age: 10

- Date joined server: I believe in march, but I don't know the exact date

- Why do you want to join:
I am I doctor, and I see quite a few holes in the DoH (Maybe not the DoH, but I do see some problems related to the DoH in general), and I want to repair those holes. I want to help the DoH in all ways I can. I don't want players to constantly have a broken leg, or Swamp Fever. In my eyes, nobody even deserves a flesh wound, not even my greatest enemies. Even them, i vow to help.

- When are you the most active: Well school just started, and i finish around 1:00, 1:30. So then for sure. I also sometimes pop in at around 7:00 - 9:00. I usually also might try to get on before school. Some days I might be very inactive or even gone for the whole day due to having a friend over, etc. (I live in EST)

- Why do you think you are suited for this position: I have been a doctor for what, 2? 3 months now? And iv learned the DoH Pretty well. I can make remedies pretty quickly, and I always atleast try to help players, From Pneumonia, to just high/low temperature, I always try. Even if I know i won't succeed.
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The Cookie Dealer
Due to immaturity and lack of dedication, this application has been Denied. You can reapply 30 days from this message.
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