Denied TaeJimin's Application for Hospital Secretary


In-game Name: TaeJimin
Age: 12
Date joined server: 1 month ago.
Current playtime: 4d 22h.
Why do you want to be a Hospital Secretary: I want to play an active role in the government and hopefully make a difference in our server. I have many ideas that will hopefully help the DOH and the server. By becoming an HS my ideas will be easier to convey.
What can you bring to the Department: I could bring change. I will help us be better and more helpful, I can come up with ideas that will help make the DOH run better.


Thank You for taking interest in the position of Hospital Secretary. We are currently reviewing your application and you will receive a response shortly.


I regret to inform you that your application has been denied. We are not currently looking for any more HS at the moment. You can apply again 30 days from this message.