Denied SSMelo's Application for Community Coordinator


Screen Shot Melo
In-Game Name

Currently 12 years old

Date Joined Server
I joined the server around June last summer

Why Do You Want To Join
Well I have recently gotten back into the business craft community after taking a little break to focus on other things, and
before I left I was previously a Event Planner for a short while. So I figured I would re-join the DoPA, that is if you decide to accept me back into the Department of Public Affairs and now as a Community Coordinator.

What Do You Think You Can Bring To The Department
I know I can bring a lot to the DoPA mainly because I have had all sorts of experiences on Business Craft and as becoming a Community Coordinator I can put all those experiences to good use. I have a few ideas I already want to pitch in as a Community Coordinator, an example of my ideas is if we start creating these relationships with the other cities, we could eventually start trading, then building direct connections (by roads, trains, airport, ect..) then ultimately with all these connections creating a huge world were players can go city to city resulting in a huge economy with trading all over the server.

That is all I have for this application thank you for reading and I hope you take my application into consideration. -SSMelo


Actually the best
I feel like this should just be accepted... you were part of the DoPA Before, so its only fair right? Anyways, Good Luck!


At the moment, we do not believe you are active enough to be a Comm. Coordinator. Feel free to reapply in 30 days. Your application has been denied.