Answered / Added Revert Politics Role


Mayor of Covington
- Username: SlimeEmperor
- Suggestion Title: Revert politics role permissions
- Elaborate (Why do you think it should be added, how will it improve the server, etc.): Not everyone wants to have access to political channels. They can be stressful and lately, plain toxic.

Players used to be able to opt in and out of seeing these channels by selecting and deselecting the Politics role. However, this role no longer affects the ability to view political channels.

This suggestion is to revert the Politics role so that players must have it to view political channels.

- Does this require the installation of a new plugin (Yes/No): no
- If you answered Yes on the previous question, please link the plugin (Leave blank if you answered No): n/a
- Additional Information: n/a


Staff member
The reason why we went with this change is because there were a lot of new players on the discord who were not taking on any of the available roles (Economy and Events roles included). So effectively they were barred out of the political and economic aspects of the server and we wanted to change that.

So everyone has access to these channels now, but the roles are only for ping-related purposes.

If you don't want to see the political channels, just mute and collapse the category.