Recording Players


A really useful feature on most windows computers is the ability to record a game (for xbox blady blah). You can turn on or off the microphone and can use it for Youtubing as well. It is 100% free and you can do it offline as well. Just hold the windows button, hold the alt button and press r to start recording. The only issue is that you can not upload a file into a forum post and must upload it to something else and give the link or embed it into the post. Such as my contract with DiceSummoner below or above (i am not sure)


I am kinda of confused what the suggestion part of this? I see what it could be used for like recording people break the rules (like evidence for hackers). Other than evidence I'm not sure what the suggestion is here unless you're trying to inspire people to record videos for YouTube? Please specify. C:​


Well, I did not really know where to out it so I put it under Suggestions. But this a suggestion for the players, not for the government. It can also be used for deals like above. But the YouTube part was because I uploaded it to YouTube and then embedded it in the thread.