Prime Minister Election - September 2022


Former PM

This is the official election post for the 5th Prime Ministerial election.
If you want to run for the position of Prime Minister, you will need to meet these prerequisites:
  • a) Section 1 | The Prime Minister & The Deputy Prime Minister
  • (V) The requirements for serving as Prime Minister are as follows:
    (A) Having at least 2 days of playtime in the 30 days preceding the start of the election cycle and a total of more than 7 days of playtime.
    (B) Maintaining at least two days of active playtime (as seen in /bcseen) during their tenure as Prime Minister.
    (C) With four months having passed between their start date and their official appointment,
    (D) have served in any senior government position in the previous 120 days (e.g., MP, Minister, Judge) prior to becoming Prime Minister.
    (E) cannot be Prime Minister while also serving as a Member of Parliament, Mayor, or Judge. If the PM holds one of these offices, they must vacate the office prior to being sworn in or face removal from PM by the Department of State.
    1. In case Mayorship needs to be relinquished, the Prime Minister may resume their position after the end of the term after passing the city to a chosen successor.

  • (VI) The requirements for the Deputy Prime Minister are as follows:
    (A) Having at least one day of playtime in the 30 days preceding the start of the election cycle.
    (B) Maintaining at least one day of active playtime (as seen in /bcseen) during their tenure as Deputy Prime Minister
    (C) With four months having passed between their start date and their official appointment,
    (D) have served in any of the senior government positions in the previous 120 days (e.g., MP, Minister, Judge) before becoming DPM.
    (E) may not hold the positions of Member of Parliament, Mayor, or Judge while serving as Deputy Prime Minister. If the DPM holds one of these offices, they must vacate the office prior to being sworn in as DPM or face removal from DPM by the Department of State.
    1. In case Mayorship needs to be relinquished, the Deputy Prime Minister may resume their position after the end of the term after passing the city to a chosen successor.
  • For this election ONLY, the requirment for having served in a Senior Government position will be extanded to 180 days per Temporary Governing Council (TGC) Policy
  • (I) The election of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister shall;
    (A) takes place every four months, beginning on the first day of the month and ending on the fourth day of the month.
    (B) The period for declaring candidacy shall be held on the first and second days of each month and shall last forty-eight (48) hours.
    (C) The voting period shall be held on the third and fourth days of the month and shall last forty-eight (48) hours.
    (D) The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister shall be elected on a joint ticket.
    (E) In the election, voters shall cast one vote for their preferred ticket and the ticket with the greatest votes, at the conclusion of voting, shall be elected Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.
    (F) The results of the election shall be announced on the fifth day of the month.
    1. If the event should arise in which no candidate achieves a majority vote share (50%+1), a second election shall be held on the fifth day of the month between the two candidates with the largest vote share to determine which shall be elected,with the polls being open for 24 hours
    2. The winning ticket will immediately get the Prime Minister-Designate and Deputy Prime Minister-Designate roles, which come with viewing permissions of all Cabinet-related discords in order to adequately prepare for their incoming term.
    3. The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister shall be sworn in on the tenth day of the month, alongside the new Parliament.
How to run for Prime Minister
As opposed to Parliamentary elections, creating a campaign thread is mandatory due to the nature of this position. It is necessary as it gives the voters an idea of who you are and what you want to do while in office. You need to reply to this post with “I, (username), am seeking the position of Prime Minister and here is my campaign thread: (link to thread)." You should also specify who your running mate is, should you have one.
It is also reccomdendedthat you provide the following information in the same reply: playtime, join date, and criminal/punishments record.

Election Schedual
Septemeber 1st: Election Declarations Open for all citizens
September 2nd: All eligible candidates that meet the requirments to run for Prime Minister shall be placed on the Ballot
September 3rd and 4th: Election of the Prime Minister takes place
September 4th: Polls close and the Department of State will verify and validate all ballots casted
Sepytember 5th: Results announced and Prime Minister Designate roles given
September 10th: New Prime Minister sworn into office
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Staff member
Minister of Public Affairs
Minister of Internal Development
Department of Agriculture
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Department of Construction
Mayor of Ocean City
Public Affairs Minister


I, Duckiichu, am seeking the position of Prime Minister with my running mate, PeachLemon_, here is my campaign thread: (coming soon)