Answered / Added Party Plugin


Username: Vroomba
- Suggestion Title: Party Plugin
- Elaborate (Why do you think it should be added, how will it improve the server, etc.):
Not too long ago, I posted a suggestion called 'Company Channels'. We should replace this with Parties. It was brought up but I did not take much consideration to it because it wasn't very realistic. I think even though it's not too realistic, we should add this.

People have told me "Oh, you can just do split-screen and switch windows", between discord and Minecraft... I've experienced this same situation many times and I can't even begin to describe how painful and not efficient towards a company this method is. It is so annoying having to stop playing and switch screens every single time, and not be able to have your Minecraft window in full screen. It reduces the game-play experience for me at least.

I've also experienced lately having to message multiple people because of having to build my HQ. It is highly annoying to have to repeat the same thing three times, to different people in /msg because they are somewhere else in the server, and there's a flood of messages coming through /global. Right- this situation could be fixed with the split screen solution. Nor do I think someone finds it enjoyable to have to switch screens every time, as said in the above paragraph, and neither is it enjoyable to play with half a window of Minecraft.

Furthermore, this could be a good addition for Tour Guides - they can use this to add people to a party for party chat, so when they're touring 3-4 players at once instead of having them look for hard messages sent in /local over a flood of messages in /global. Each new player (tourist) will easily be able to identify, for say, light pink messages coming through chat instead of light gray. Thus, instead of having grey chat just buried in white messages because most players forget to use /local, we can have private party groups to help players on their tour and get the information better.
Not only would this be efficient for Tour Guides, but it would also have the same application for Companies, Businesses, Trades, and even simply just playing with your friends.

I have tried doing some tours in /whisper, but it's disastrous - the tourist cannot explore in a big radius around me, as /whisper does not work when you are 10 blocks away from a player.

Yes; all the methods that I have described above work. But they're not practical for such gameplay. With Parties, no work will need to be done for implementation.

Although we aspire to be realistic we need to remember we are an aspiring Minecraft realistic server, not a real life server (what I mean by this is it's impossible to be 100% realistic, basically saying you can't have a double real life through a computer). Some difficulties come that we need to fix using the Minecraft world. This is becoming one of the issues that needs to be resolved.

I am not sure how staffers will be able to manage everything that goes through party chat. That's my concern, and this solution being not realistic. Those are the two main reasons that I believe will cause this suggestion to be thrown out the window.

- Does this require the installation of a new plugin (Yes/No): Yes
- If you answered Yes on the previous question, please link the plugin (Leave blank if you answered No):
- Additional Information:
I think we need it. Or at least, some way to get better communication. Communication on the server is very flawed, with channels being useful to a certain point and then no more further. Communication is very very poor, it is hard to communicate when there are now 20+ players on the server. We need a change.
The Communication system worked very well when there was an average of maybe 10-15 players. It worked very well last year for example. However, from my Tour Guide experience, I get on average 5 new players toured every day. The server is growing quickly, and communications needs a full scale review. I believe this addition would be the first step towards a change. As the server changes, everything else has to change to. This can be seen by the addition of the new Agricultural department.

Thanks for reading.
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Although it would be nice, the plugin would require some modifications, and a lot of things removed. I will bring this up to Parliament when I get a chance, with the suggested modifications. Thank you for your suggestion.


Could you please explain what modifications it would require and what things would need to be removed pleased?

I would like to know so I know what to expect from our parliament members.


Why would need a Tp command. That's unrealistic.
I'm not sure by what you mean exp system. If one player gets XP it shouldn't be shared with the party.
and place holder system?


Why would need a Tp command. That's unrealistic.
I'm not sure by what you mean exp system. If one player gets XP it shouldn't be shared with the party.
and place holder system?

I think you misunderstood me. I was listing things that need to be removed.
Why should xp be shared with the party? The party didn't do anything, and to me that equivalents to doing no work and having your partner do it all, to still get full credit for the project.
As for the place holder system, coming directly off of the webpage:
Placeholders system
  • Make custom placeholders for external use
  • Edit existing placeholders as you prefer


okay. thanks for your opinion.
any other parliament member care to share his or her opinion?


Staff member
We actually had this plugin in the past and it was hardly used, if at all. So, I removed it.
I don't think this is really necessary because there are so many alternatives.
If you're training a group of people you can speak in /local. If just one person, you could do it via /msg.