Rescinded Override of Executive Order #12


- Title: Override of Executive Order #12

In accordance with the Seperation of Powers, I am issuing this motion to repeal Executive Order #12.

Executive Order #12 has resulted in
- Many builds becoming impossible due to lack of land in wild regions;
- A major source of government income being reduced, leading to a lower Government balance;
- Significantly more work on the Department of Agriculture to supervise wild regions to make sure they fit in with the restrictive parameters set out in the Executive Order
- The EOs intention to draw more people to the city has thus far appeared to have failed, making the EO an unnecessary restriction.
- The ranching, lumber, and farming industries are put at a heavy disadvantage

Additional information:

The Seperation of Powers bill declares that 5 MP's are needed to override a bill. Using my Powers of interpretation as a judge, I find that the intent was to force a supermajority. Thus, six of the nine MP's must vote in favor of overriding the Executive order.