Answered / Added Optiontal /Company Command


An Apple Product
Now I know that the title doesn't make too much sense but hear me out. I was talking with ChrisClassics today. I asked him if I wanted to hire employees for the BCB I would need to use the /company command. He said that officially to own a company and hire employees, yes. That command does make things look a lot easier but there's one flaw in my opinion. And that's what this post is all about!

Also don't take this personally staff and supporters of this command, just my opinion. The flaw is the wage part. For most companies this would not be a problem. The BCB is slightly different though. We are a weekly newspaper which means we make our money weekly, not every 15 minutes, like the wage is set to. The way the pay at the BCB would be setup is that every employee gets 10% after the BCB Bank tax. If they write 2 stories they get 15%. and If they write 3 stories or more they get 20%. That would be a weekly pay not a 15 minute pay. There is a command where you can set the wage at a percent but that wouldn't work because that's still once again every 15 minutes.

I don't like the 15 minute wage for a few reasons. One reason is because it isn't fair. This 15 minute wage means that employees can just hang around the server playing with friends, which is perfectly reasonable, but not doing their work, which isn't reasonable. That means they'd be getting paid for doing nothing, while one of my top employees is cranking out a lot of stories at the same payment. That's outright not fair. The other reason is because it doesn't produce quality the BCB is expected to have and known for. If someone knows they will get paid every 15 minutes no matter how good there work is or how much they produce, what's stopping them from handing in one terrible and false story they could've made up.

Some people might say: Just hire good employees. My response to that is that anyone can get lazy, no matter how good you are. Another thing people will say is that you don't get paid if your afk and you get kicked every 15 minutes. My response to that is that they can be having fun with their friends while not doing their work and they'd still be paid which isn't fair. I will respond to other questions in the posts below.

Now onto the suggestion! This would require 0 plugins. This would require almost 0 work. And this would make things a lot better for myself and others. My suggestion is that once you pass the entrepreneur exam, the /company command is recommended but optional. The only work you'd need to do is announce it to the public which as a journalist I will gladly do for you through the BCB. That's the very easy way to do it. The much harder way would be to make your own company plugin or adjust this current one so the wage is optional. Personally I don't see any harm in making the /company command optional but recommended. I mean if you want to do my 2nd option I guess go for it but that seems hard.


Staff member
It's not mandatory, but it's strongly advised that you make it official with the plugin.
And you don't have to set wages (just set it to 0), you can make up your own way of paying your employees.