Accepted Napugi's Business or Startup Grant


- In-game name: Napugi
- Company name: Olympus ( )
- Date joined server: August 1st, 2019
- Current playtime: 32 Hours
- Which grant are you requesting: Either the Business or Startup (Not sure which one fits better for me since my company is both a business and a startup right now)
- Amount requesting: At least 5000kr, but preferably 15000kr
- What would the grant be used for? The grant will be used for the completion of the Olympus HQ.
- Do you have a detailed plan for the project? Yes I do. The Olympus HQ (located in Covington City) will be the main hub for my Conglomerate business. In this building Olympus will house semi-automatic farms, retail shops, a cafe/coffee shop, apartments for rent, office spaces for rent, storage units (available for rent to increasing storage capacity for apartments), parking lot, and space for Olympus to house the many different needs in the daily running of the business. We are planning on renting fully furnished apartments and semi-furnished office spaces. The building itself, I would say is around 25% completed. There are still many more floors to be added and the whole interior done.
- Additional Information: To clarify, the grant will be used for the purchasing of construction materials, interior design materials, paying the contractors hired to help around with the manual labor (such as emptying the underground to clear up space for farms), and for any unplanned for expenses. I currently have 4000kr in my balance, but this is due to a fight competition that I won. I am afraid that since we are not selling right now, my money will run out buying materials for construction before I can start setting up the cash inflow, which will only make the process a lot slower and harder to accomplish. This grant will greatly help me and my company's efforts in efficiently and quickly finishing the construction project so that we can begin our business practices.

If you need any more information, please let me know!

Thank you! :D


Congratulations, your application has been Accepted! The DoCE thanks you for being very detailed in your application, and highly suggests (to all who are thinking about applying and are reading this) that you're as detailed as possible in your application. It always helps to know exactly what will be done with the money. :)