My Dusk Period


This isn't a real departure (hence not being in the departure thread) but I thought it was worth a post. Nothing will be said I do not truly mean. I do not care about this server anymore. My interest has died in a way I have never thought it could. The last time I left it was because of conflict, this time it is because I truly don't believe my participation matters. Stratham is not dying, it is in the middle of a stagnant status quo. I am not the person this server needs, and I finally understand. All of my actions have had responses that do not support my being here, my effort to make the server fun, either to me, or to others, have not worked. My initiatives, and my proud accomplishments, are not received well, or recognized the way I'd like. Being an interesting character is not enough for me to thrive, and my relationship with BC is not a healthy one. My return only to fit back into the same cube as I once did should have been a signal, but my recent ban is what sent me over the top. You may have seen a DM from me, or gray area talking in threads, I've been as close to the server as I would be if I was never banned, but the contents of my messages were empty, and I was just trying to hold on to the vestige of my accomplishments, something I did not achieve. I am no longer representative of the people, and I am just another player I used to loathe when I first joined, which I can no longer stand. I am not leaving, but I am significantly reducing my playtime and my activity on discord will be almost nonexistent with gameplay being the bare minimum to not be evicted. I wish I could say my time here has mattered, it definitely used to, but now my feelings have turned sour, and looking back, my time was not well utilized. My biggest regret is returning January 1st; I have no warning now, no final requests, no advice, no attacks. Do what you will. This is Reppal signing off, goodnight Stratham.


Supreme Justice
Definitely someone who could've done so much for the republic.

While you did not have the best record of maintaining a good public relations status, you were someone who had potential to do so much, be so much. However, your lack of ability to resolve conflict exacerbated by the hostile stance taken against you by a good portion of the community & staff led to your eventual isolation from the server. You made many mistakes, but it is my true opinion that you were also too harshly treated.

With the right people, you could've been so much compared to where this story ends. I'm sorry to see you go, Reppal. I wish you luck in your future travels.


Executive Office
Department of Justice
Special Advisor
Il see y’a at the next election cycle :) best of luck in the meantime


Department of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Department of Public Affairs
Department of Construction
i hope that in the nearby future, the spark you once had for BusinessCraft reignites. In the meantime, we’ll miss you <3