Denied MegaMinerM's Application for Economy Secretary


Chief Justice
Department of Economy
Department of Public Affairs
- Username: MegaMinerM

- Join Date: May 31st 2021 -2 months ago- (I found out about BC months ago and learned about it before I actually joined)

- Playtime: 6 days 4 hours

- When are you most active?

I am most active at noon-afternoon mostly and I am on vacation right now so the time zones aren’t permanent but I will tell them when they are, for now I am GMT+2 hours and will be GMT+8 hours soon maybe. But when I am needed I will get to work as soon as possible.

- What makes you qualified to work in the DoE? I think I am qualified for the DoE because as a Tour Guide I had to learn many things about BusinessCraft and that included things about the Economy of it, even though I learned few things, I wanted to find out more about the Economy and what I found out fascinated me. So, as an Economy Secretary I can not only learn more about the Economy of BusinessCraft but can also improve certain things and maybe even improve the experience of others on this server for the better.

- Why do you want to work for the DoE? I want to work in the Department of Economy because at first when I joined I had other “dream jobs” in mind because I thought that I wasn’t good enough for Economy Secretary as it is such an important job to handle but over time I realized that I had learned a lot about BusinessCraft’s economy and how it works and I think that this role is right for me which is why I am applying for this amazing job.

- Additional Information: I have been thinking for joining this fascinating department for a few weeks now and have finally found the courage to apply for a Economy Secretary, I accept every reason if I get denied and I would like to thank you for taking your time to read my application.




Sorry, your application for Economy Secretary has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


I don't believe you are ready for this position. Your application doesn't include any tangible examples of how you've used your knowledge of our economy or what you can bring to the job. I recommend you spend more time getting involved in economics - just learning about it isn't enough.
