Denied mckennaa__'s application for Community Coordinator


In-game name: mckennaa__

: 17

Date joined server
: July 3rd, 2019

Current playtime
: 1d 15h 35m

Role you're applying for
: Community Coordinator

Why do you want to be a Community Coordinator
: I enjoy working with the community and being able to have personal connections to those in the community but I also love being able to be the voice of concern for the community when they feel as though there needs to be a change with something.

What can you bring to the Department
: I am a very trustworthy person who is a bit of a social butterfly and I connect with people very easily. I can be both professional and funny when need be. Being able to listen to someone's concern is something that I feel as though I do well but also being able to provide some type of solution is something I strive to do for people.

Additional Information
: I never do things without running it by someone even if its something that isn't necessary to get a second opinion about. I feel better making sure at least one other person is informed of a decision


Department of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Department of State
Department of Public Affairs


Sorry, your application for Community Coordinator has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Due to the changes in the department, the department has decided that we would like you to reapply as a specific job along with seeing more activity on the server and discord alike
