

That One Dude
Logic. A story by many people

1. If the server crashes every time you log on - stop logging on!
2. Staff members are here to help you. That does not mean we carry any quantity of every single item in the game on us at all times. If asking in global chat doesn't work, that probably means nobody has what you're looking for.
3. The Support Channel is there for you to be able to contact all staff members at any time. It is not there for random, unnecessary commentary or replies/opinions to anyone's request or answers. (By all means - If you are able to help out and solve the situation, please do so! We appreciate those of you who do help)
4. Your application will be looked at whenever someone clicks on it and reads it.
5. If a Moderator tells you to do something, just do it, because then they come get an Administrator and 95% of the time I will tell you the exact same thing the Moderator just told you. Then, you wonder why I get mad because I had to be awoken from my slumber to waste everyone's time telling you the exact same thing you were already told.
6. I talk to at least 20 different people about 40 different things per day. I'm human. I won't remember everything. If it's important - put it on the forums. Then multiple people can look at it and it will be there forever.
7. Sometimes there are at most 10 players online. This means that at most 10 players will see your message. Therefore, if you continuously ask around for a job in-game, you most likely won't get anywhere... at all. This is why we have Discord and the Forums. Post a thread in 'Jobs' or 'Companies' and post an ad on '#business-advertisements' on discord.
8. Mods can do almost the same exact things Admins can in regards to helping players. The further up the chain of command you go, the more work that the staff member has. Therefore, the Owners are the Busiest on the server, the Senior Admins are the second busiest, the Admins are the third busiest, and the Moderators are the fourth busiest. Therefore, we sometimes get mad when you go to an Owner for something a Moderator can do for you. So - if you go to a Moderator and they are unable to solve your issue, they will let an Administrator know.
9. To continue from number eight, staff members are BUSY!!! This is why we have /tickets. Please use them if you require assistance from a staff member at your location. If you just have a question, about 50% of the other players on the server (not including staff members) should be able to answer it. This is also why we have /support and /g.
10. Staff members are staff members. We are no different than any other player on the server. Therefore, I am unable to comprehend why you would waste your time starting at an afk staff member when you wouldn't waste your time staring at any other afk player. Like srsly - we're afk. We don't respond.
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Staff member
Member of Parliament
Department of Justice
Department of Construction
Good to know...