Accepted Kbooth1102's Application for Hospital Secretary


- In-game name: Kbooth1102
- Age: 19
- Date joined server: 4 Months ago.
- Current playtime: ~ 20 days.
- How long have you been a Doctor: Roughly 4 months. I joined the DoH as a Doctor within days of being on the server.
- Why do you want to be a Hospital Secretary: I'd like to have greater responsibilities within the department, and assist the minister in implementing and devising new plans to overcome any issues that the department may face. Through my extensive experience that I have as a Doctor, I feel as though I am ready to take on higher responsibilities and that I am qualified for such a role. I want to help better the doctors of the department through assisting them and mentoring them to be the best doctors they can be.
- What can you bring to the Department: I am a driven and dedicated individual. I have brought initiatives such as the DoH discord server as a doctor already, and wish to expand upon on initiatives like these. I'd like to also ensure that doctors are well trained and well informed. Also ensuring that the privileges we are given as doctors are not abused. I stock the medical chests and have shown that I can lead by example in the department.
- Additional Information: Thank you for considering my application! Since last application, In the last 30 days, I have made significant attempts to engage further with DoH staff and take on a greater number of medical callouts.




Congratulations, kbooth1102! Your application for Hospital Secretary has been accepted.
