Denied Johnnyboi12345's application for Business secretary


- Username: Johnnyboi12345

- Age: 25

- Join Date: 10 months ago

- Current Playtime: 12 days 19 hours 30 minutes

- When are you most active? from 3:40pm est to 12:00am est

- Position you're applying for: Business secretary

- Have you read the Job description of the Job you are applying for? yes i have - Why do you think you are suited to the position you are applying for? I have worked on the server for all the 10 months I've been here. I have proposed major legislation for investors and company's though they were ultimately never put forward due to my election to cabinet. I spend most days on the server thinking on ways to help improve the economy and boost the amount of player led startups and companies'. I have also proposed plans on how to help build the servers economy back up and increase player transactions all of which can be found in the economic discussion on the discord server. I have also made plans to help do things like stock markets, banking, and plenty of regulations to help players with new company's. including one that would help players startup company's in under developed trades. I have worked in parliament, was elected to cabinet, and have found ways to effectively manage company's. In terms of skill set i am loyal dedicated and work oriented, i have had training on effective leadership, team building, and organizing logistics.

- Why do you want to work in the position you are applying for? I love the economy and i love the server. I have always wanted to expand the economy to help make it more suited to creating more company's through new and interesting ideas. I am able to adapt to most situations. I have also worked hard to try and make compromises that would help every economic demographic of the server.

- Additional Information: If you have any personal concerns about anything dm me and I'm happy to explain everything


For Real?


Sorry, your application for Business Secretary has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


DM me for Reason.
