Denied Ironside525's Secretary of Economy application


Username: Ironside525
- Join Date: Aug. 3 - 2021
- Playtime: 1 day, 7 hrs, and 8 minutes
- When are you most active? I am on night shift at the moment so it will be weekdays 7 am - 9 am with most weekends free. After I am done with night shift it will be weekdays 11 am - 2:30 pm and 12 pm - 3:30 am with most weekends free.
- What makes you qualified to work in the DoE? As you may or may not know, I run an extraordinarily successful gun running business under the name, "Ironside's gun running." Also, due to real world circumstances, I am extremely hard working and my attention to detail is second to none.
- Why do you want to work for the DoE? Honestly, long story short, it sounds like a fun job which I WILL excel at and enjoy in the process.
- Additional Information: I don't have much to say here other than the fact that I can't wait to start and learn!




Sorry, your application for position has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Your enthusiasm is very much appreciated, but I don't believe you're ready for this role quite yet. After observing your interactions on the server I've seen you give misinformation in the interest of your own business endeavors. I'd like to see you become demonstrably more involved and knowledgeable about the economy beyond the scope of your own company. I'd be happy to reconsider your application then!
