Accepted Intercepticon's application for State-Secretary (Round 2)

- In-game name: Intercepticon

- Age (optional): 20

- Date joined server: 4th of December

- Current playtime: 1 day and 14 hours

- Why do you want to be a [Job]:

I think for me personally, the DoS has huge potential and a huge responsibility. With the server growing more active and the political arena growing more and more, a strong and dedicated DoS is needed to provide the resources required by such a growing aspect. I’ve been an unofficial “intern” for the Minister for about a month, then Deputy for a month where-in I oversaw the first Town-Audits. I was then chosen as a Minister but had to resign amidst personal reasons, now that I have resolved those issues I'm eager to continue my work

In the past I’ve been a part of the legislative branch of another server, but I wish to use my experience on helping and improving the political atmosphere on BC. I think that, that in combination with my experience makes Secretary of State the right job for me. To ensure a clean and democratic election and further the maintaining of a healthy political atmosphere.

- What can you bring to the Department:

I feel that I can bring several positive traits to the Department of State, I shall list them below:

Integrity: I respect my position and am dedicated to make sure that the office is held to the regard it deserves.

Patience: I think this primarily can be used on the dealing with players. I have, mainly through my experience as Speaker of the House, congressman and a RP specialist on other servers, dealt with a lot of the more demanding players of the server. And I think I have listened to their concerns and handled them when needed.

Diplomat: As Speaker it’s your job to ensure congress is working for the betterment of the people it serves, thanks to those experiences as well as outside MC work experience, I believe I know how to talk to people. In conflict I always try to find common ground, I feel that everyone has a right to voice their concerns and if they are founded then they should be acted upon. I will try and make sure that we can find a solution both are happy with.

Communication: I think that due to me serving as Speaker of the House for almost 2 terms, I’ve been in charge of communication with my colleagues and Speaker Staff. Serving as a journalist on BC and a reasonably experiences politician I’ve been able to know when to put up or shut up.

Experience within the Department as a Minister and Deputy for 2 months

- What does your previous experience with cities (City Advisor only) / elections and politics (State Secretary only) include?:

On another server I’ve served as Speaker of the House for 2 terms and a Congressman as well. As SoH I’ve overlooked various processes, from incapacitations, hearings, VONC’s to constitutional crises.

In terms of elections, I’ve never had the pleasure of overseeing one. I’ve primarily been at the campaign side of the election-process. However, I’m eager to learn the aspects in which my experience might fall short.

- Additional Information:

I’ve informed Minister in question about my playtime. I study at university and have a job as well, this causes me to not be able to be as in-game as I often wish. However, when on my laptop at Uni or work, I always have Discord or forums open. I’ve proven o them in private as well as public that my activity on discord, forums and some behind the scenes things, compensates my inability to be there in-game. My activity as State-Secretary would be primarily behind the scenes, if required, I of course shall find a way around it and be there in-game when need be.


Former PM


Congratulations, Intercepticon ! Your application for State Secretary has been accepted.
