Denied Hamb_y's application for EPS

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Hamb_y's Job Application for EPS (Employee Protection Service Officer)

- In-game name: Hamb_y
- Age (optional): N/A
- Date joined server: Mar 19, 2022
- Current playtime: 15d, 9h
- Why do you want to be a EPS: I am against free labor and want to help people who are stuck in traps or people who aren't getting paid enough for their work/contributions. I also think that the government is quite unfriendly towards itself and the people of Stratham, so by having a place in the government which directly helps the people might help solve the issue here.
- What can you bring to the Department: I have worked in multiple places and know how it is to be an employee, so I can know when pay is fair and when it is not. I also think that the department should directly help and educate new players to know what is fair compensation and when it is not. Even though I am the CEO of a company, I feel like everyone should get fair compensation and there is even a poll (will expire in 2d) that the employees can directly vote in to change the type, kind and amount of pay.
- What does your previous experience include?: Helping Matty707 replace flooring in a MCorp building, working as a supplier (which is a relatively lower paying job) and as a marketer at target.
- Additional Information: I am a hardworking player who has also gone broke many times and knows how it feels to feel to be paid not enough. Even though I might be a CEO, I am a normal citizen of Stratham at heart.


Former PM


Sorry, your application for EPS Officer has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


We are not currently hiring EPS Officers, the Department is in need of State Secs (Electoral Officers)

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