Grand Bastion Farming Co.


Grand Bastion Farming Co.
A World Business Conglomerate Partner

Come on down to the Grand Bastion Farming Co. today!
Located Where Info's Enchantment Emporium used to be is now a farmers favorite store! We sell seeds, crops and products that you may need to start your own life out on the frontier, living of the land. Our prices are lower than the government stores will ever be due to the efficiency of our farming systems and questionable at best treatment of our sheep!

Due to our growing and massive stockpile of goods we can drive prices into the ground so low that any sane person wouldn't even consider offering prices like ours!

"k20 for 32 Wool? That's insane!" Yes it is! and so am I for offering such a deal! I mean I am losing so much money here! Why wouldn't you consider shopping here with prices that are less than half what Koalition and the government is offering?

You would be crazy not to stop by! Come on down to Grand Bastion Farming Co. located on the first floor of the mall slightly to the left today!

No sheep are harmed in the production of their sweet...sweet wool.