GoodMorning9's Election Post

  • Your username: GoodMorning9
  • Your age: Not comfortable sharing
  • Your activity on the server: about 12 days
  • When you joined the server: April 2020
  • Why you think you are suited to be a Member of Parliament: I have experience running parliament election campaigns, and I frequently give suggestions and advice to MP's. I think that I can represent all kinds of players and I would be a very active participant in debates. I am also a very active player especially recently. I would open one day a week to take suggestions on discord and via private message from constituents so that I can truly represent the players of Business craft. I think I have enough experience and determination to become an MP.
  • What kind of laws would you vote for/against: I would vote to support a law to lower the price of wilderness land. Wilderness land has a low resell value and is very costly per square block so players are buying it less. This creates a bubble where people need to pay insanely high prices for city land because wild land just isn't worth it. This creates a problem where a few rich people own a lot of city land and there are few oppurtunities for anyone else to buy any. For example a 1200 block plot costs 8400 kr in the wild and 4000 kr in capital suburbs (Real Example). I also support keeping a centralized list of all the players who have left the server and giving them shorter eviction times. They can be removed from the list if they ever decide to come back to the server.
  • Additional Information: I would like to Thank all of my supporters for already starting to run ads for me and supporting the campaign.
What political discussion do you talk in? You quite legitimately don't even have the politics role on the discord.
Thank you for your question! If you meant about the advice to MP's thing I just mean I frequently talk to MP's and suggest ideas, If you mean the active participant in debates thing, I mean after I become an MP.


Former Moderator
Could you disclose who those MP's are? After talking to a few it seems like none of us have been contacted, and the few that have heard from you received very little conversation with you.
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As flaming said above, what political discussion are you speaking in? On top of that I’ve never seen you involved with politics but you say you have done a lot?


The Turtle Master
I have to agree with the questions above, looking forwards to seeing those answers~ :)

Along with that, what price would you have it be lowered to? the whole point is to encourage people to move into cities and towns. And I must disagree with your statement of the land in the wild not being 'worth it' compared to city land; a huge chunk of my personal holdings is in the wild and I use those exponentially more than any city plot I have purchased. I know a good portion of people who also have differing building styles from what would be acceptable in cities, and they're free to do as they please on wild plots(Within reason of course)~

And as for changing the laws of eviction time, I don't believe that's necessary as if they give notice that they are leaving, people will generally spread their assets in a will. If they just leave, a month-two months is a reasonable time to wait before destroying what has been built. What would you be suggesting as shortening time though? As in how much shorter?


Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Deputy Prime Minister
Department of Public Affairs
Deputy Prime Minister
I have to agree with Fern. You can do a lot more things on wild land than on city/suburb land. Also, your example of '4000' krunas plots in suburbs is completely absurd nowadays. I highly doubt you've been able to recieve a 4000 krunas suburbs plot for about the past 6 months to a year, or more (I've been in the server 9 months and the cheapest suburbs house available when I first joined was 6000 krunas. With inflation and all the modifications the limited suburbs land has recieved in that time 6000 is now definitely the BOTTOM of the line when it comes to suburbs houses.) Yes, you can buy land for 4000 krunas in other cities, but it is rarely, if ever built on so you have to purchase the mats and hire a contractor/designer or invest the time yourself, all of which together probably means it costs around that much anyways. Even hiring a contractor you have to invest the time to make sure the design is city appropriate and won't get your land reported. After that you still have to follow a catload of city/town rules and junk, whereas in the wild there is 1 rule: Don't make it super ugly or inappropriate. *takes a deep breath* Sorry for the paragraph on businesscraft real estate, but all that goes to say you've underestimated the value of both suburbs plots and wilderness plots.

That isn't the only problem with your election post, as A( Not all players that have apparently 'left' the server (been inactive for 3+ weeks or something) have actually left as some human beings actually have a life outside of minecraft (ik, it surprises me to lol UwU </3) and B( shortening eviction times means that those that actually have no time to play minecraft because they have school/a family/a job/friends/ a social life lol would be evicted before they can find the time to come back. and finally C( and this is meant in the most constructive way possible (ily good </3) and you've really improved in this aspect, but earlier in your time in this server you could be a little tiny bit toxic and some players may have developed negative experiences with you. This isn't really a problem with your election post but it was just something I thought you should know about.

Aside from the whole book I just wrote about some questions/comments I have on your post lol, Good luck Good! I hope you come out of this election with a positive experience and possibly a new position!


I really meant that I talk to MP's and give some advice, I don't mean in a public Politicial discussion
I’m sure the advice you gave those MPs was really sound considering you aren’t in the channels where all the explaining and arguing goes on.


I really meant that I talk to MP's and give some advice, I don't mean in a public Politicial discussion
May you please inform us who those MP's are. We've all talked and agreed that we've had little to no conversation with you. I would also ask if you could read over the questions above because I'm wondering the same things as them and you've stayed silent which isn't supporting your case very well.


I really meant that I talk to MP's and give some advice, I don't mean in a public Politicial discussion
Who are the MP's? I've asked and I've seen others ask in chat but whenever we have asked you've said "gtg" and left. I agree with what you're saying about lowering claim costs, but as others have mentioned you're backing yourself up with a claim that you haven't confirmed.
Sorry I have been pretty busy, I have given suggestions and had some political discussions with speaker Xlayzur and also with zzking cus I ran their campaign last elections so we had political conversations, I apologize for the late response


Former Moderator
Could you elaborate on the political involvement you’ve had over the last term? (Last 3 months). What ideas do you support, and which ones do you not support?


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Senior Administrator
Department of Justice
Sorry I have been pretty busy, I have given suggestions and had some political discussions with speaker Xlayzur and also with zzking cus I ran their campaign last elections so we had political conversations, I apologize for the late response

Can you give examples of some suggestions you've given to layzur and zzz?


Sorry I have been pretty busy, I have given suggestions and had some political discussions with speaker Xlayzur and also with zzking cus I ran their campaign last elections so we had political conversations, I apologize for the late response

Where do we begin? 2/23/2021 you had mentioned to me that you had experience running campaigns for individuals, not mine of course. Also with your political suggestions and discussions, you so call it. You told me your policies would be "Higher Starting Balance, Better Minimum Wage, Better Rewards for staff, and some more stuff." The Better Rewards for staff isn't even within parliament's jurisdiction, to begin with.

Stepping aside from that you had also expressed your opinion with running a few ads for zzz_king, saying that you deserve the credit for him being elected? I'm sorry, but if you were being paid to advertise for someone's campaign, you don't deserve anything but the payment you should receive from advertising.

I would recommend keeping respected players out of your election post because that won't help you. Saying you spoke with speaker xlayzur will not get you votes, maybe if we had worked together on a bill I could see that but you're trying to throw names of individuals into your post thinking they'll back you up. I find it quite odd for someone to run for parliament when they aren't even in the political field at all. You don't have the political role in discord which means you never once participated in a political discussion within this community.

Work Cited:


well then goodmorning9 u have lost my vote and probably many others this might aswell said case closed