Denied Endeav0r's application for Police Officer


On lunch break for 2 weeks now
- In-game name: Endeav0r
- Age: My current age is 16.
- Date joined server: according to /jd about a month ago.
- Current playtime: my play time is 4days and 7 hours.
- Why do you want to be a Police Officer: I like to follow everything by the book sometimes I let a few things off in depending on what is happening but I like to follow the rules and by the book which is why I want to become a Police Officer by making sure everyone else follows the rules and this is my chance to help those rather too make sure they follow the rules or that or make people obey the rules no matter who they are.
- What can you bring to the Department: I am on a lot of the time around 1 hour every day sometimes less because of family events or school but I will always try to have time for the server and I believe I can always be active in the community and the town to help those who that are new with the rules or make people know the rules.
- Additional Information: no information just wanted to at least try out a Police Officer.


Staff member
Member of Parliament
Department of Justice
Department of Construction
I’m sorry to inform you that your application has been denied. If you would like more information as to why, please contact me on discord. Feel free to reapply in 30 days.