Denied DoPA application (Event Planner) [Reapplying]


- In-game name: MCtropix
- Age: 14
- Date joined server: 3 months ago
- Why do you want to join: I want to help make BusinessCraft a better server by making great events with other members! I think people would work hard and be online for much more to get that reward for winning the event! People would have fun and a great time watching and participating in our events! I would take my free time making the event as good as possible and I will try to attract as much players as possible! Making these events will also add a great RP-fell to the server and players. I also have a lot of computer knowledge and access to video recording, photo editing (a digital tablet) and many other programs.
- What do you think you can bring to the department: I think that I would be a great member of DoPA. I will try my best, cooperate with my team to make a great event! I would take care of every detail to make the event as good as possible. I will take my job seriously and always try to listen to my team to try improve my skills. A minister told me that the DoPA needs more members, that's why I chose to help DoPA and make it more popular!
- Any experience with hosting events: Yes, I am a Head-Admin and web manager on a server, I have to make in-game events on the forums and on the server. In real life, I participated in a few events and helped host one!


Mayor of Covington
Hey MCtropix!

This application has been denied for many reasons, the biggest is that no effort went into this, you just copied and pasted your old application. We don't want a lazy attitude in the DoPA, and you've expressed to me on Discord that you're tired of applying. You also are not on often, and you aren't very involved in the community.

Thank you for applying. If you still believe you should reapply, you can after May 1st.