- Title: Creation of The Department's protocols
- Type of motion (Edit/Removal/Creation): Creation
- Elaboration & Reasoning: With no initial specifications besides personal preferences, our government employees (e.g. hospital secretary, employee manager, police officer, etc.) don’t have a laid down regulation that they have to follow in order to maintain their job. The personal preference is what the ministers currently follow, also known as their own system, an idea would be to create an individual established regulation for each department based on that personal preference. In summary, the ministers must create their own guidelines that their employees need to understand and follow when joining/proceeding with, their department.
- Other Information: ---
- Type of motion (Edit/Removal/Creation): Creation
- Elaboration & Reasoning: With no initial specifications besides personal preferences, our government employees (e.g. hospital secretary, employee manager, police officer, etc.) don’t have a laid down regulation that they have to follow in order to maintain their job. The personal preference is what the ministers currently follow, also known as their own system, an idea would be to create an individual established regulation for each department based on that personal preference. In summary, the ministers must create their own guidelines that their employees need to understand and follow when joining/proceeding with, their department.
- Other Information: ---