Government Council Reports [August 2023]


Staff member
Minister of Public Affairs
Minister of Internal Development
Department of Agriculture
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Department of Construction
Mayor of Ocean City
Public Affairs Minister
Dept. of Economy: Minister Bharatj

Department Progress
In the last month, there have been some important things that have taken place. To begin, two directives were published that ordered the creation of the government buy store, as well as an "international trade" policy. My hope is that this will help spur the economy in combination with some other things that are planned. Other changes include:
- Changes to the tender shop storage system to accommodate more items, allow for more frequent emptying, and ensuring a smooth logistical process for the buy shop and "international trade"
- Promoted our business owner channel
- Started working with a news channel to help make the public aware of economic efforts
- Began to monitor advertisement channels more
- DoE Price Tracker back up (thanks to Ancastal)

Upcoming Projects
In the next month, there are a couple things I want to get done, such as: reimplementing the employment hall, incentivizing businesses to hire players, a new pruning bill to change how pruning and refunds are done, implementing measures to support private businesses, organizing the banking industry, obtaining data about the new player experience to see where more can be retained, working with the DoA and DoPA on projects, creating a DoE shop, and working to create more investment opportunities for players. Obviously, that's an ambitious list, and so there will be challenges in terms of manpower. Establishing an initiative to encourage players to join the DoE will soon be underway to help address this issue.

- Reimplementing the employment hall (in conjunction with having discussions with business owners to figure out how to incentivize hiring)
- New pruning bill
- Organizing the banking industry
- Collaborating with the DoJ to create defense industries
- Creating an entrepreneur shop
- Creating more investment opportunities
- New directories to make the process of finding items and housing more easily

Additional Notes
Apply to work in the DoE we can have parties and stuff. Oh also, please join the DoE discord to voice your concerns. Having trouble setting up a business? We can help. Think something is too expensive? We can help. Having a rash on your behind that just won't go away. Wrong department. Micki being smelly as usual? We can get rid of her. DoE, your solution.

Dept. of Health: Minister Dark_Shadow_Wolf

Department Progress
NPC Training quest has been completed and is now in game. The doctor exam will soon start to be reworked on and we have added a new role, "Trainee Doctor" which you get once you pass the exam, this way, only doctors who went through the NPC Training system actually can attend patients. We have done some discord clean up, activity sweeps, and discussion of new projects. We also have increased the disease probability to see if this will help anything.

Upcoming Projects
GP's: General practices is a role that will be in charge of helping the Mayor's of each city/town manage their hospitals, keep them up to date, relay messages, etc. This project is being worked on by _Evachu_
StratCare: Currently the way that StratCare works it makes it so no one is truly able to access it. Now, depending on your university job, it gives you discounts on certain remedies. This makes it so that everyone can use it and it gives us more roleplay.

Additional Notes
Hi! Thank you all for a lovely month, I hope that we can achieve great things this following month and leave any suggestions and comments in either my DM's or the DoH discord server! ♡

Dept. of Public Affairs: Minister Mickichu

Department Progress

We have had a few new additions to the department. Currently in the process of promoting two Community Coordinators to be Senior CC's as I have had three members enquire about the position. Activity is great - a little less this month due to summer holidays and people going on holiday. We have events being actively worked on and some events hosted this month. Discord events are still too quiet but we hope to gain more popularity the more we host these during different times and when there are a lot of players in game.

Had a lot of movie night events on discord which were really popular. We aim to continue this after the summer holidays and attempt to host 1 film per week or every other week.

The Department Fair event was released towards the end of August in hopes to bring more attention to department jobs and the perks players get when joining these departments. Thank you Lunel for working on this!!

Player ran tours have increased. We are in the process of making a few different scripts depending on the length the new player would like. Myself and my deputy are also planning the new map tour script (with both of us having access to the new map).

New DoPA training guide almost complete. This will help new members joining the department. Our current training is fairly good and we have had no complaints, but we would like one where we can tour our new members around to all our DoPA plots and bring more in game roleplay.

Upcoming Projects
Events, events and more events.

The completion of the new Tony the Tourguide and new tour routes/scripts for the new map - this will be worked on by the Minister and seniors

We still have 1 month, but Halloween is soon approaching, which means a big event is on its way. We also may host a "Back to School" prom. Will need to see availability of CC's who can work on this.

Additional Notes
Apply for Community Coordinator to host fun events and introduce new players into the server. Or, apply for Social Advisor and get paid for your photos and media content.

Dept. of Agriculture: Acting Minister Lunel

Department Progress

This month we've welcomed 5 new members to the department, 2 new Agriculture Secretaries, 1 Ranger, and 2 Landscapers. Additionally, we've made progress in several projects such as the collaboration with the DoC in the construction of a department building/zoo/animal center (this project has been headed by Mickichu). The senior team has also worked on setting up new prices for spawn eggs in the new animal shelter. The farmer's guide has also been updated by Mickichu and Ferru, as well as the animal abuse guide worked on by Mickichu and Tippy. This month was also the first month of the initiative to bring new department members into the team (1000kr bonus upon completing first report), and has so far been successful. We've also began to implement a new rotation between the AS's and the senior's to empty NFS shop, so players will be able to sell their product at the farm shop more consistently when possible.

> 14 Wild Reports
> 6 Inactive Region Reports
> 22 Shelter Interactions
> 1 Animal Abuse Report
> 6 Landscaper Reports
> 1 Public Report Bonuses
> 0 Village Abuse Report

Upcoming Projects
Next month we plan to continue working on the farming district in the new map, and rework the ranger training guide due to some confusion we've seen arisen among new rangers as well as doing a brief retraining of basic rules.

Additional Notes
The DOA is recruiting!
Please let me know if you have any ideas for the Department

Dept. of Construction: Minister Doubblekerius

Department Progress
The departments focus for the last few months has been the preparation of the new map. This includes new department buildings, government buildings, general decor around the city, roads, any tasks Lux sets, additional plots/builds for departments, suburbs, etc.

The DoJ building was completed by DemonWolf, with only the interior yet to be fully completed. Demon has also completed the new bank and worked on sidewalks and a park near the spawn area. The new spawn was completed by Lux, with the help of some Admins and Senior Admins.

Mickichu has been working on the new DoA plot. This plot will consist of: the department building (with offices for all 3 jobs the department holds), storage rooms, the adoption centre, the reclaims centre, the conference room and a small zoo. The DoA had a lot of plots in the old map, but Micki has managed to fit it all onto the one plots they were given. This will be fully completed over the next few days.

Luxaholic has built and pasted the new hospital, with Mickichu working on this along with the DoH Minister, Dark_Shadow_Wolf (Wolfie). We aim to complete this over the next week. The new Capital interior was also completed by Micki, and will be pasted over within the next week.

Truc has been a big help assisting where possible and completing a lot of tasks set by Lux.

Upcoming Projects
We are working on new ways to train our Interns, as Constructors are focusing on the new map. We will be setting up some mini projects and assigning them to a constructor so that they get one on one training.

Other builds that need completing are the other department buildings and Government builds which will be located by spawn, including the new Gov Mall. Sadly, the current one is too large for any of the new map plots, so it will be rebuilt. We will have the same number of shops, possibly more to ensure no one loses their current spot in the Gov Mall.

General decorations and checks are the majority of what is left around the new map Capital.

Additional Notes
We are looking for constructors and Property Inspectors, be sure to apply!!

Dept. of Justice: Minister Pearot

Department Progress

The Department of Justice has done plenty in the last month. Such progress includes the following (condensed):
Reviewed employment applications. Promoted one trainee to full-fledged officer, on-going training of two employees. 16+ police reports handled. Input of DoJ new map building needs/wants with DoC. Re-establishment of buddy-training system(s). Fulfilled multiple court reparations.

Upcoming Projects
Recruitment event involving many activities with DoPA planned for September. Possible promotions + new hires. Continued work on CSS (task force) project, as well as continued progress on project to promote defense industries in cooperation with the DoE.

Additional Notes
We're hiring! Apply for the Department of Justice rn. :)

Dept. of State: Minister Poemhunter

Department Progress
The Department of State has achieved a lot in the last months. we have successful clean up the media and political parties registrations and started to accept active and new publications. We have also started the new education program with the aim to change learning and jobs guides and exams for the players. Along with this we have started the Document on election guides for future elections and to try and foresee any potential problems and have solutions for them.

Furthermore, we have introduced key legislation from amendments fixing the constitution to regular bills helping players of BC. This also expands to other departments and helping them with bills, amendments and directive writing. We are also working on more bills and amendments to improving the judiciary and ensuring a fair and just legal system. We have also conducted the national census and are in the final stages of that and once completed will finish the audits and state of Government report.

The greatest success of this mouth is the diplomatic trip to The Federation of Harlon and established a special relationship. We will soon see a treaty of friendship and special relations and see our two nations thrive.

Upcoming Projects
- National Consensus final data and publication
- State of Government
- Treaty with Harlon
- New Fair deal for towns and villages
- Improving the judicial system

Additional Notes
Join the DoS. Contact myself if you'd like to know more information.