Cherub54321 - Candidate for Prime Minister (March 2022)


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Senior Administrator
Mayor of Covington

Cherub54321 - Candidate for Prime Minister

Hi there, my name is Cherub and I'm running for Prime Minister in this election. I am currently a member of the Judiciary (although on break for this election period), and I have also served as a member of cabinet for four months as DoJ minister. I have served in nearly all of the government departments, and currently hold two government jobs, Constructor and Sergeant. I joined the server in spring of 2020, and since then amassed a playtime of over 70 days! I am running for Prime Minister in these elections because I feel that I can bring the leadership and change that is needed for the government and server, while still keeping our loving and caring environment and player base.

Mickichu - Candidate for Deputy Prime Minister

Hihi, my name is Mickichu but you can call me Mickichu. I'm running with Cherub as his Deputy Prime Minister in the upcoming election. I am currently the Minister of Agriculture and have served in multiple different departments during my year in Businesscraft (Stratham). For Stratham, I envision a bright future and work closely with the different departments on getting projects done. For example the warp project for DoA or the jail project for the DoJ.

Main Policies

Increased Government Transparency - Transparency is a key part of the way the government works, members of the public need to be able to see what is happening and offer their opinions on changes. This increase will include the use of cabinet voting on the BC discord, as well as monthly published cabinet reports, as well as any notes from cabinet meetings made public. The public will then be able to review these decisions and suggest any changes they might like to see.

More Support for New Players - We would like to work with staff to ensure that there is the most support possible in place for when new players join. This will include but not be limited to: New up to date tutorial built in a position with less lag so that players have a better initial experience when joining the server, The full reintroduction of real tourguides who will be able to guide new players around and answer any of their questions they may have, and the introduction of new quests/tasks for new players to do to earn materials/money to keep them engaged and enjoying the server.

Increased Minister Autonomy - We have complete faith in our ministers being able to run the government's departments successfully, which is why we will be leaving more of the work to ministers. This will include any applications, management of department discords, and the way that departments do their jobs.

Modernise BC Spawn - The whole point of BC and new spawn was for more modernised builds. The European town that Krix and the DoC have been working on is very nice. However, I think the core buildings around spawn should be modernised. We should focus on new spawn. I suggest we relocate the European street a little further from spawn. Slowly transition from modern to European style. At least that way the hard work put into the European street isn't wasted, and it'll make Koal happy having a more modernised spawn as that's what he always wanted. This way, we can revert any changes to Queen Street; This is a part of BC history. Yes, not all players who own buildings around are active, but this has been around for a very long time. It has meaning to a lot of players. It has also become less active so it's a waste of time to work so hard on an area no one really goes to. We should bring back all the old buildings and leave Queen Street as is. Focus on spawn.

Department Specific Policies

New jail - A new jail will enable more roleplay and make jail less boring for players who end up there, as well as reducing the demand on cells for prisoners. Players will be able to walk around the jail, and there will be a limited exams board for players to do exams while in jail, in the hope that when they come out they will be able to be employed and reduce reoffence.
Training events - The introduction of general department training on specific topics such as riots, will ensure that the DoJ is able to protect the nation in any circumstance. This could also be tied in with the DoPA to create events that everyone would enjoy, while at the same time providing valuable training time for department members.
More formalised training - The introduction of a department wide training protocol for training Police Cadets, as well as updating the current Police Officer training guide, will ensure that all members of the DoJ are trained to the highest standard. There will also be regular whole department training on specific topics (such as vehicle impounding) to keep skills sharp, and offer an opportunity for department members to share their experience.
Police cadet exam added back in game - The re-addition of the Police Cadet exam in game will mean that the job is more accessible, as some players may not have discord. The exam also means that a higher standard of Police Cadets are hired, as they will need to have a good understanding of the server laws to pass.
Reintroduction of tour guides - Tourguides are a vital part of the support for new players. Although we now have npc tours, we feel that it is vital to still offer tourguides as an option to new players helping them find their way around the server. Although tourguides still exist to some extent, we want to make them more advertised and reintroduce incentives to players to take the tourguide job.
Event world for large events (for example skywars) - Some events are so big that they aren't built but instead pasted in. These events also often tend to be difficult to find a location for, and have other problems like inventory storage and respawn locations. For such events, we would like to introduce an event world that for during the duration of events will be publicly accessible, which will help remove many of the problems Event Planners have when organising such events.
DoPA Headquarters - We would like to make a DoPA headquarters close to the new spawn as a location for the tourguide exam and shop for limited exclusive items such as player heads and custom items. This location will also have information displayed about upcoming events for players who do not have access to forums/discord.
Better Training - There has been poor training of Event planners for sometime. The introduction of a buddy system where senior and more experienced event planners will help a new event planner complete there first event will ensure that all events are held to the high standard of the DoPA.
Warp Project - The current area around wild warps is messy and cluttered. The DoA (with possible help from the DoC) will terraform and rebuild the areas around warps into specific themes (for example the area around warp 3 might be a small village/town).
Work on new national park around Orico - The national park near Lexford has proven to be very popular, and provides a calm location to go, a place to explore, or somewhere to meet friends. A new park in the landscape around Orico will increase the amount of relaxing and fun places we have to visit, and will also provide an even greater backdrop for Orico itself.
Implementation of a public report system - Every player has found a patch of ground that has been damaged, whether that be an abandoned building, or empty land once used to collect materials. We will implement a system for players to report these areas to the DoA, and those of which the DoA feel need to be dealt with can be. This system will also be used for players to report inactive player regions via the same process.
Increasing transparency - The DoS will help improve the government's transparency by working with ministers and departments to do department auditing, as well as doing a city review with mayors, both of which will be publicly published to ensure that the public (and government) are kept up to date with how they are doing.
More public input - The DoS will work on ways for the public to be able to have more input into government decisions, for example they will redo the petition process to be more inclusive of all government actions, as well as possible referendums on large changes to the server.
Increased mayor review - Cities are a key part of the server, and the mayors who run them have a huge impact on them. Most mayors do an amazing job, however their activity and plans need to be kept track of, and if they start to become inactive they need to have increased support, and if this fails they may risk losing their mayorship. Progress of cities will be recorded with the city audit, as well as population records via the government census
City utilities - We would like players to be able to live in all cities, and so we will be introducing requirements for cities to have such as a car dealership, post office and police station. This will ensure that citizens can access exactly the same utilities as if they were in capital. Cities will be able to use government pastes for required utilities.
Introduction of schedule 0 cards - The current drug laws (which allow for the possession of certain drugs with a schedule 0 card) have been around for sometime, yet the cards themselves have not yet been implemented. These will be implemented and will ensure that there is an easy way for the DoJ to check if a player should have a schedule 0 card or not.
Doctor exams in every city - As part of making sure that players in any city have equal opportunities we would like there to be a doctor exam in every city hospital.
Removal of hospital pharmacy - To create more income for pharmacists, we will remove the hospital npc pharmacy, and instead rent shelves for pharmacists only in each hospital for them to sell their items. This will also reduce prices of basic items such as splints and bandages for players.
Finish off the new spawn - Spawn is the first place players see after the tutorial, and where other players hang out, meet friends or conduct trade deals. As it is at the moment, spawn doesn't look like it should. It's composed of mainly empty buildings with large plots of empty land. This space needs to be finished off and be a showcase of our amazing server.
Build new jail with DoJ - As said in the DoJ policies, a new jail is urgently needed. The DoC will work with the DoJ to create a realistic and intriguing prison, with rooms for players to explore while in jail.
Official bonuses for builds - The DoC has recently started giving constructors bonuses for builds that they do. We would like to make these officially recorded, and included in cabinet reports/transparency publications. A bonus list will be compiled taking into account the size of build and experience of builder, to ensure that all bonuses are fair and regulated.
Mentoring for constructor interns - Recently constructor interns have been left unsupervised to do their own builds. We will introduce a buddy system that will like one or two constructor interns to each constructor, and they will assist with parts of builds while learning new techniques and styles.
Increased selection of decoration heads - The government head shop will move to the new spawn, and will include a greater selection of heads for sale. We will also reintroduce the monthly seasonal head shop which will contain seasonal heads for each month
NPC quests - NPCs will be used to a greater extent around the capital and server in general. There will be npc quests for newer players to explore the server and make money, for example an NPC in capital asking a player to take an item to another NPC in say Lexford for a bit of money.
NPC jobguides/uni revamp - NPCs will be used in game for job guides to teach players and reduce the confusion that happens when new players have to find jobguides on the forums. This will link in to there being an individual room for each exam in the university, with each room decorated in relation to the job.

Cabinet Picks

Ministerial Candidates

DoJ - Nightmare98765
DoA - __Cookiez
DoPA - Kikochu
DoH - Dark_Shadow_Wolf
DoC - Kawaibab
DoE - UnityMaster
DoS - Intercepticon

Other Positions

Chief Of Staff - PinkPanda_
Cabinet Advisor - Windows_Dog
Ambassador to Redmont - Gabi__
Ambassador to Harlon - Kawaibab
Prosecutor - TedHastingsAC_12

Any Questions?

Thank you for reading our campaign thread! If you have any questions for us, please reply to this thread, ask in elections on the BC discord or join our campaign discord ! #VoteChickiMarch2022