Government Cabinet Reports [January 2024]


Staff member
Minister of Public Affairs
Minister of Internal Development
Department of Agriculture
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Department of Construction
Mayor of Ocean City
Public Affairs Minister
Dept. of State: Minister Ryan_88

Not handed in.

Dept. of Economy: Minister Poemhunter

Department Progress
The Department has and is undergoing structural changes. This is involving the clean of both the discord and forums along with other aspects of the department to ensure its smooth running. Since my taking over we have begun looking into problems within the department from tracking of funds leaving government balance to new initiatives and task. We have re arrange the forums layout with some slight changes and more to come on banking and grants/loans. We are also launching a new sector with private health care in the pharmaceuticals area and looking into more budgeting options and spending reviews.

Upcoming Projects
- Release of new grants and loans
- New banking laws and regulations
- Easy access to tracking of government funds so all monies are traced and accounted for
- Evaluating performance and growth

Additional Notes
Join the DoE if you have a true passion in this servers economic growth, as well as improving exam jobs and player experience on this server!

Dept. of Justice: Minister Topte

Department Progress

- Completed activity sweep of department
- Hired 1 new Trainee Officer (Please apply)
- Redone Police Station interior pasted in
- Location for new Prison selected and groundwork being completed

Upcoming Projects
- Streamline training and promotion procedures
- Arresting GUI :fingers_crossed:
- Completing the Prison

Additional Notes
Apply for trainee officer

Dept. of Public Affairs: Minister Lunel

Department Progress

This past month we finished setting up some fun events (ready to host, just need to set a date) and saw the conclusion to the BC Choice Awards (worked on by Micki) as well as Fluffy’s Xmas Escape Room.

We didn’t get the chance to host many events the month of January due to irl time conflicts, but we hope to be able to host them soon. Some of the events that we’ve set up and got lined up are the cooking event, red light green light event, business weekend (will be put up after Valentine’s event since the park is currently in use for Find My Match), and an uno event, so keep an eye out for those!

We also saw a spike in player-ran tours with the addition of 3 new CC’s to the team. Within the first week of January we surpassed the amount of total tours from the previous month. Thank you to MangoMilkTea, Spacey, and eabha for making yourself available for those.

We’d like to also encourage CC’s to host more discord/forum events as that’ll be easier for players to attend and easier for CC’s to set up (and thus they can be more frequent). If you’re interested in hosting either discord/forum or in-game events as well as giving tours, apply for Community Coordinator!

Tutorial completions: 407
Tours requested: 55
Tours completed: 40

Upcoming Projects
We currently have a Find My Match event set up for Valentine’s Day for which (if you signed up), you’ll have until the 14th to find a present for your match so don’t forget! Like listed above we have some fun events coming up such as the cooking event– where you’ll be assigned a cooking station and then have to run to gather ingredients to cook the recipe the host assigns the quickest (and many more).

Additional Notes
Sign up for events! Community coordinators work really hard on them and they’re a fun way to engage with the community. And if there are any events you’d like to see, let us know in the DoPA discord!

Dept. of Internal Development: Minister Mickichu

Department Progress
I assisted in writing the new Land Act for Property Inspectors - though we have noticed a few things missing so will be adding those in once other things have been amended first. Now that we had some laws and more info on the PI job, we opened up applications and hired a good number of PI's. We have a good flow of reports coming which help to keep the city looking good and opening up plots for active players to have the chance in buying one.

There has never been a clear guide on Constructor pay, so I spent some time with my Senior Constructor, DemonWolf, working on how much we set the pay per size plot and height, as well as if the work is exterior, interior, or both. We aim to pay most of these next month once we gather a list of outstanding pay for the construction team.

Had plans on opening up a Construction school - players can join the discord and a channel among other constructors where they can share their builds and get advice. This is a great way for these players to gain confidence before they apply as an intern or full constructor. We have not yet opened this, but I have been testing the idea with some players and it has worked really well. We may be opening this in the next month or two once we complete other important tasks first.

We finally opened up the Animal shelter! All of the department tp locations were set up in a GUI (thank you Windows_Dog). New signs were set up in the shelter and animals were added (thank you Kikochu). Rangers are now able to breed pets for adoptions and move animals to reclaims so that they are not left wondering the city.

Something minor, I have been going around the city updating the decor with the new custom models (i.e. the bins).

Upcoming Projects
Julio to be fully set up in the animal shelter.

Adjustments made to the shelter to assist Rangers work.

New laws for plots and plot info to be added on forums for the public to have more understanding on plot restrictions and rules, and avoid making any mistakes.

Adjusting the NFS and Farm Shop prices.

Additional Notes
Apply for Construction Intern if you have always wanted to grow and improve your construction skills. If you enjoy the wild/nature side of the server, apply for Ranger and help maintain our Nations natural beauty!! Or, if you're not wanting too much responsibilities, take the Landscaper exam at the university -> be sure to join the DoID discord if you do.