Offering Services Book Store Opening! Sell Your Books Here


A Used To Be Fun Member
Hello, My name is BlackSyth and in the next couple of days, I will be trying to open a book store or two if I can get enough money. You may sell your books here if you would like. All I ask is that you find me online so that you can give me your books, times will be posted same day. Also, I am charging a 20kr fee, and you will get 80% of the whole sale price (lets say price is 10, you get 8, I get 2). Last Requirement is you should at least have 5 copies for me to put in store and a 6th so you can make more. All I need to know is from you is:
Is this book a Bestseller?
Is this book a New Release?
How much would you like for the Book?
A description of the book and book Name?

I do not have a Discord yet so please answer here or find me online, I will be posting what times I will be online. Also, if you don’t sell any books, you will get reimbursed the 20kr