Accepted Blitzblaze41's Event Planner Application


- In-game name: Blitzblaze41
- Age: 13
- Date joined server: June 29th, 2018
- Current playtime: 101 Hours
- Why do you want to be an Event Planner: I would like to be an event planner because I would like to create fun events for all citizens of BusinessCraft to enjoy. I would also like to help the server stay up to date, and populated by creating events often for all the citizens of BC to enjoy, and look forward too. I feel like things such as events are what help keep servers alive, up to date, and populated. I would like to be apart of creating these events because helping create fun ideas for people to do has always sparked my interest. I have been on multiple Minecraft servers, and many of them hold events. Each time a new event arises, I always think to myself about how I would love to do something like that, and how people have so many great ideas. I have been able to see so many cool ideas for events, and I have been able to come up with so many ideas myself. I feel like this position would fit me perfectly because I am great at coming up with new ideas, and because this is something I love to do.
- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring a kind, hardworking, player who is great at coming up with ideas, who loves to help out the community, and who loves having a good time with everyone on BusinessCraft to the DoCI.
- Additional Information: Thank you for taking the time to read my application!


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