bharatj - Candidate for MP [May 2023]


Staff member
Department of Justice
Department of Construction
Hello everyone, I am bharatj (as is evident in the title and my name lol). I will be running for MP for the upcoming Parliamentary term. There are several reasons that I decided to proceed with this, the biggest one being that I believe BC can be improved, and I think that I have the ideas and capability to improve it as a Parliamentarian. I know I could just link my campaign post in discord and call it a day, but I think that if I ask you all to vote for me, it's only fair that I try to make it clear what you're voting for.

Past Major Government Experience:
Member of Parliament (8 terms)
DoJ Minister (2+ years)
Deputy Prime Minister (1 term)
Acting Prime Minister (1 month)
Judge (1 term)
Attorney General / Prosecutor (4 terms I think)

I think that the extent of my experience on this server speaks for itself. I'd like to use what knowledge and insights I've gained to better the server and be a proper representative for all of you.

1. Economy
It's no secret that our current economy could use some drastic improvements. Although there are a variety of causes that still need to be investigated, there are some that could be identified right now. One of them is player retention, another is taxation, and yet another is economic policy. This is where you kind of get into the details about the split of power between Parliament and Executive. I'd like to make it clear that in no way am I trying to step on the Executive's toes. I'd like to use the power of Parliament to do what we can to improve the economic state of the server. Whether that's through tax approvals / rejections, or any other method.

2. Citizen Involvement
I'd like to get citizens more involved in Parliament decisions again. Because that is in an MP's job description. To properly represent the people, citizens must be able to understand politics, and be able to properly voice their opinion. I want to create an environment that supports and promotes that. This kind of goes hand in hand with simplifying parliament proceedings so everyone can understand what is happening. Yet another idea is to involve media outlets to make political information more digestible and accessible. Finally, this also is a goal of increasing transparency.

3. Clarifications
Quite simply, I'd like to clarify laws that have some gray areas so that aspects of economic and everyday life are more clear.

Thank you to everyone for reading my campaign post. I appreciate it, especially if you made it this far. If you have any questions, please feel free to DM me, or tag me in a political channel. If you support the ideas or my candidacy, I appreciate you a lot.

I'd like to wish all the other candidates good luck, regardless of who wins, Stratham will be in good hands.

Thank you.