Answered / Added Add a GPS system to veichles


- Username: Harry9999
- Suggestion Title:GPS System
- Elaborate (Why do you think it should be added, how will it improve the server, etc.): finding where you are going in the city is difficult if you dont know it extremely well, as such i believe that adding a gps map that is given to the driver of a vehicle when they place their vehicle in place of their vehicle chest will help players find their way around the cities. The diffrence between this and dynmap would be that the map has all government owned buildings labeled

- Does this require the installation of a new plugin (Yes/No): No
- If you answered Yes on the previous question, please link the plugin (Leave blank if you answered No):
- Additional Information:
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The Airplane Guy
I always find looking on dynmap to be a nice alternative. All it really takes is maybe a few seconds to switch from your Minecraft tab to the one that holds your map.