Accepted A1phaSniper's Application for Event Planner


The Airplane Guy
- In-game name: A1phaSniper
- Date joined server: July 16, 2017
- Current playtime: 95 days, 19 hours, 41 minutes, and 40 seconds (At the time of writing this)
- Role you're applying for: Event Planner
- Why do you want to be an Event Planner: Over the course of my time with this server, I have participated in the planning and execution of both DoPA and privately-led events. My most recent endeavor regards the screenshot contest in early 2021. With each event, my interest in planning them officially only grew. Now, I seek the title of Event Planner because I want to explore new ways of connecting and engaging with our community under the guise of events that I could hopefully plan.
- What can you bring to the Department: To put it simply, I believe my skills in logical reasoning and organization will help the Department of Public Affairs function with greater efficiency. I believe I can be very effective at planning events because I always want to think logically about every finite detail regarding that event. Over my time on this server, I have participated in the creation and management of several companies. With this, I have gained proficiency in the organization of these companies; a skill I believe can be transferred to this department and be applied to the execution of events.
- Additional Information: N/A. Thank you for taking the time to read my application and I hope you have enjoyed it!


Staff member
Department of Public Affairs


Congratulations, alphasniper! Your application for event planner has been accepted.
