Denied _MrFib's Application for Community Coordinator


- In-game name: _MrFib
- Age: 14
- Date joined server: August 6th, 2020
- Current playtime: 34d
- Role you're applying for: Community Coordinator
- Why do you want to be a CC: Ever since I joined DoPA as a tour guide I've seen the work that CC's have put into this server. Their tireless work ethic and creativity help better the player's experience and create everlasting memories that all players can look back on. The people in this department are very good friends of mine and never fail to impress whenever a new event comes around. During my time on BC, I've already helped out on a couple DoPA events and my experience helping the CC's and setting up events has shown me that this is a work environment that I will thrive in. I'm fit for the job because of past experience setting up and hosting events (Spookfest, Warp 3 Village Winter Festival (co-hosted with kl_22), BC Choice Awards). This past experience shows that I am prepared to do an exceptional job as a CC.
- What can you bring to the Department: As I am in the DoC I can bring my knowledge and skills in building to make every event look spectacular. I've seen examples of events that didn't look nice, which in turn hindered the enjoyability of the event (Olympics Relay Race, BC Anniversary Event). I'm not saying people didn't have a blast at those events, I'm saying it could've looked better. With my addition to the CC team, I can guarantee every event will look top notch. But this application isn't just about building events, this is about giving back to a community (and a department) that has given me so much
- Additional Information: Thank you for reading :)





Sorry, your application for Community Coordinator has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Thank you for applying! Unfortunately, we are not looking for any more CC's anymore.
