Answered / Added Add more diseases and viruses


A Used To Be Fun Member
I think we should add more viruses such as Covid, the Flu, and others. Or diseases like Cancer or other stuff.
Now the reason I am suggesting that we do this is it could make the gov and the players a lot more money. To cure big diseases and stuff of that sort, it could be 1,000kr+ since they are big things but then you could add in health care companies who could cover most or all of it. You could pay weekly to the health care provider you have and then when you got one of those, they would take care of most or all of it. It could also add in more meds and stuff in the system. It would give the gov and the players both more money. Tho, the virus’s and Cancers and whatever would have to be very rare.

Now here is another related suggestion, you could also add diseases that you can only get in certain parts of the map and I don’t mean biomes, I mean places. Such as how you are much more likely to get COVID if u live in the U.S. than if u live in France.

Just an idea and if u like it, do @Koalition so we annoy him about it.
Love u Koal


A Used To Be Fun Member
RTD, I’m thinking economy wise and if we added health care and stuff, you really wouldn’t pay that much more. And think, nobody like Cancer irl so y’all prolly not gonna want it in game


A Used To Be Fun Member
Let me get this straight, you want more diseases just so we can have a similar health care system to the one in America?
It doesn’t have to be like the one in America, it could be like one in other countries too but I’m just saying it puts more money in the gov and into players hands if we added a health Care system


The Turtle Master
I'm not sure what this would bring to the game aside from adding a more realistic aspect. Adding something like Covid isn't really something I personally see as being useful as it is an actual Virus in existence that does hurt real people, and having that in a video game would take a lot of enjoyment out of playing it for me at least; it just reminds me of the mess going on irl. Cancer as well, is a real disease that plagues people, and for those who've actually lost someone to it, this would just be a reminder to them of it.

Along with that, adding more diseases than we already have would just add more complexities to the game, and make it more difficult to play the game as you'd be getting sick from different things far more often.

Now, that being said IF these diseases and such WERE added, having a healthcare system would be a good idea, otherwise hold off as the current amount of sicknesses don't plague enough to make paying 1k weekly even close to worth it.

This def would add more realism to the server, but do we really need to create a mini-irl in a game that is supposed to be an escape from IRL?

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I'm with Fern on this one. Adding diseases from real life which were likely responsible for the deaths of many of our family and friends or currently destroying the fabrics of society is pretty tone-deaf.


Actually the best
I believe development on the plugin has been halted, therefore we can't really add more diseases without somebody who can develop plugins. Even if we did find someone, I don't believe the source code is public so it would be redundant.


Department of Public Affairs
Department of Public Affairs
I think it is unnecessary to add this to the game. There is already a disease mod that gives the game a lot of realism, and these diseases of the mod (broken leg, arrow wound, carp) are much lighter compared to Cancer and Covid. I don't think this should be entertainment on the server. In addition, I have seen a lot of players with no money to pay 15kr for treatment, and they will not pay for anti-Corona virus insurance, mainly because it is not 100% treatable in real life. Perhaps if ambulances were added or vaccination campaigns were carried out during times of disease awareness / personal care, it would be much more interesting. I think that in this disease mod they have already disabled the part of being able to create biological warfare to avoid confusion. Anyway, it is my opinion.


Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Deputy Prime Minister
Department of Public Affairs
Deputy Prime Minister
Pls do not add more diaseases, like Giko, Kaila and Fern said, not everyone has the money to pay for things. On the flip side, if you could buy multivitamens or something to reduce your change of getting an illness, that would be pretty cool