Lawsuit: Adjourned A1phaSniper v. Department of Justice

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Your honor, my name is Squatters, and on behalf of the Forsyth Law Co., I am representing A1phaSniper in court today.

Recently, A1phaSniper was unjustly fired from his position as a Police Officer. The Minister of Justice, bharatj, claimed that my client was fired for "failure to meet the demands of the PO service", "failure to serve the people and protect the citizens of BC", "lack of respect" and insubordination. However, given the circumstances, this couldn't be any more from the truth.

My client says he was fired without warning. He was given a simple ultimatum after a mistake (which he later corrected) that he made: either resign, or be retrained (attached). He chose to be retrained. However, the retraining never happened, as A1phaSniper had assumed it would. After no future contact from the DoJ minister, my client was suddenly fired without little warning. While he was told to either take probation or be retrained, he wasn't aware his job status would jump immediately to a firing.

Shortly after being unfairly terminated, my client was sent further elaboration on the reasons he was fired.

For the sake of the court, I'll summarize the further elaboration. The full list will be attached.

- Disrespect: The main person my client showed disrespect to was Johnnyboi12345. However, once told this disrespect was an issue, my client fixed this issue up and began to ignore Johnnyboi12345 to deter any further disrespectful behavior.

- Failure to do job: This, simply put, is an exaggeration. Anything my client was informed about failing to do, he fixed. The disrespect? He fixed it. My client recalled one time that he wasn't paying attention in chat and missed a murder. However, once he realized his mistake, he quickly went to fix it, and in fact filed a PO report shortly after. In fact, shortly after this incident A1phaSniper was surprised with a knee-jerk ultimatum: either resign or take a training break. However, my client was never offered any training in the first place, and was still punished, putting the DoJ in the violation of the Rules and Policies Training Act passed in February.

That genuinely doesn't make any sense. Additionally, A1pha wasn't even warned that this was an issue that would lead to him being fired.

- Breaking protocol: I may be mistaken as times have changed since I was a Police Officer, but as far as I remember, having your Police Car on you at all times was never part of an official protocol laid out by the DoJ. Moreover, this is such a small nitpick (especially as my client wasn't warned about this behavior either), that it shouldn't be considered a genuine reason to fire someone. In fact, my client actually did have his PO car on him at most times, it was just in a shulker box in his inventory. Why should someone be fired over that?

Given the fact that A1phaSniper wasn't warned that he would be fired, especially after closing to be retrained when presented with an ultimatum, and cleaned up his act when he was told to leads to the conclusion that he was unjustly fired.

This lawsuit is able to proceed due to the parameters laid out in the Dismissal Amendment Act. Under these parameters, my client, A1phaSniper, is requesting that he regain his position as a Police Officer due to the unjust nature of his firing

My client has also additionally requested that Tree60NoScope is not the reigning Judge in this court case.


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Given that the succession pattern for those who can take the place is filled with conflicts of interest, my client has agreed to let Tree take the case.


As sitting judge, I open this case. I call upon a representative from the government to defend the actions of the DoJ.


Staff member
Member of Parliament
Department of Justice
Department of Construction
As mentioned in the court case, insubordination has been a recurring problem with A1phaSniper. When confronted about it, his solution was to ignore Johnny altogether. See, the issue with that is, when I’m not online, I convey my orders through Johnny as he is the sergeant. Actively ignoring Johnny, even when he claims that the orders have come from me, is still insubordination as he is choosing not to follow orders given to him by me.

Attached are a couple of other complaints about A1pha

Names have been cropped out to keep them anonymous

Another thing I want to establish is that I am someone who believes a person can change, however A1pha has repeatedly shown that he circles back to his old habits. His previous involvements in the department ended when he was fired for jailing himself for fun, after I hired him in the revitalized DoJ, he was soon fired for breaking into the government bunker, and now he was fired for insubordination, failure to do his tasks as a police officer, and general disrespect to his fellow police officers, I made the decision to terminate him from the department of justice.

He has had three chances in the DoJ, all resulting in him being fired. I am not saying that he is a bad person or that he shouldn’t be involved in any government job, and although I appreciate how much enthusiasm he has for the department, the DoJ is not the best fit for him.

Regarding his police car, I have made multiple announcements in the DoJ chat to remind everyone to have their car in their inventory. Although some instances can be attributed to lag, A1pha has lost his police car many times. One instance is where Johnny and I decided to take the car and put it in the armory to see if he noticed it was missing. Two days later, we still had no word from A1pha about his missing car, and so Johnny had told A1pha that he lost his car and it was put in the armory, to which he received the response, “give it back.”

If he kept it safe all the time, I’m sure he would’ve noticed that the car was missing some time in those two days.

It wasn’t simply one time where he missed a murder, I recall being online multiple times where A1pha either completely ignored a murder, and I had to remind him to take it, or simply made no effort to deal with a murder because other police officers were online. That’s not a quality that is good for the DoJ.

The Dismissal Amendment Act claims that employers have the right to fire on reasonable grounds. I would like to ask the plaintiff if insubordination, failure to do the duty of a police officer, and unwillingness to work with other police officers are not reasonable grounds.

If it would help, I would like to invite my sergeant, Johnnyboi12345 to testify.

Thank you.


The defendant has clearly made a claim that he had to remind my client to take a murder, yet no evidence to support that has actually been brought up. He used Johnny to relay messages-- which my client acted on. The messages Johnny was supposed to relay didn't exactly warrant a verbal response either. They required action; and my client acted on them. We already provided examples of him cleaning up his act, but the defense is yet to show or point out specific events of misbehavior, much less any misbehavior that required termination. Just because A1pha ignored Johnny (as in no verbal response) doesn't automatically mean he didn't act on what he was supposed to.

Moreover, the fact that they took my client's police car to see if he would notice is downright pathetic. What kind of Government department toys with its employees like they're guinea pigs? My client lost his PO car to lag only one time. It was in no way a recurring issue. And given the fact that my client has a personal helicopter- which are more convenient and faster than the cars, this complaint seems extremely miniscule and can't possibly be used as justification to fire someone.

I would like to ask the plaintiff if insubordination, failure to do the duty of a police officer, and unwillingness to work with other police officers are not reasonable grounds.
The reasons given for termination were over-exaggrrated. My client aimed to fix up his act-- and was suddenly fired.

Additionally, I would like to point out a specific point we made in the opening arguments that the defense completely and utterly failed to address: My client was given an ultimatum to be retrained or fired. My client chose to be retrained, but never received said training and was suddenly fired.

Given both the nature of the reasons and the firing, it cannot morally be said that the reasons for firing were reasonable.


Staff member
Member of Parliament
Department of Justice
Department of Construction
I would like to request a two day extension on the time to reply to give us more time to gather more evidence.


Staff member
Member of Parliament
Department of Justice
Department of Construction
To begin I’d like to address some of the things raised by the plaintiff:

You claim that orders do not claim a verbal response and that your client had acted on them, however, it is impossible to know if someone has heard an order if there is no acknowledgement, and even then, A1phaSniper has not acted on them as will be explored even further in witness testimony.

It is easy to prove that someone had done something but how is one supposed to prove inaction? One of the primary reasons A1pha was fired was because he did not obey orders given to him. If he did not say anything in response or do anything in response, how is one meant to cite a specific example of such inaction? I would like the plaintiff to please educate us.

Also where are the examples of him cleaning up his act? There was no proof you provided, simply claims of improvement.

Taking his police car to see if he would notice isn’t pathetic, it was a sort of test to see if he even looks after his police car. What’s pathetic is that the answer was he doesn’t, and that when he was reminded of it, he disrespected my sergeant, who was relaying my orders, even if that may not have been his intention.

He has not lost his car to lag only one time. To my knowledge, he had lost his car three times, once on the OC bridge, once when we took it and put it in the armory, and once when his car was left somewhere on the street. The issue here wasn’t lagging out and leaving his car. That’s out of his control. The fact that he never tried to get it back when it was right where he lagged out is the issue in that area.

I would like to next move onto the testimony of police officers that had worked with A1phaSniper. Some of the quotes will be changed as to keep these officers anonymous but the judge will be given these direct quotes.

This one will not be changed:

“As sergeant my job is to relay orders, train police, and to generally act as the doj second, under my command alpha sniper had repeatedly challenged any order I issued at one point have a blowout with me, other officers can attest, then choosing to just outright ignore my orders. To me it is clear insubordination like me or hate me as sergeant my mission is to order him and he refused said orders of his own will. At the time of his firing we had received multiple complaints about his not responding to calls and his last report had been a week ago from when he was dories despite his activity. His lack of respect to superior officers not responding and generally bad attitude is why he was fired. Nothing personal. Simply he no longer met the standards of an officer of businesscraft.

-sergeant johnnyboi12345”

To clarify, all orders he talks about come from me that he relays to the police officers.

This next quote will be changed a little:
“A1pha hasn’t been a team player because he doesn’t help his fellow POs. When there’s a crime or someone needs to be arrested, he never jumps in to assist. Whenever there’s a death or some police work, he always seems to be doing something else and ignores his duties. One time, during a riot, he went into the bunker and ignored the other POs.”

“He barely did anything”

“The only day I was on at the same time was the day he got fired, but he didn’t go after anything that day”

Hopefully this testimony from my officers can provide the perspective of the police officers working alongside A1pha.

To address the retraining... A1pha specifically said he’d “still be doing [his] job” and I agreed to that (as can be seen in the photo attached). However, he has repeatedly ignored his duties as a police officer even after our conversation.

I warned him beforehand that he was already on extremely thin ice, yet he still did not perform his duties at the expected level, therefore he was terminated from the DoJ.


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I request that the Plaintiff please give A1pha's response to the ultimatum in the first post.

Additionally, I would like both parties to confirm the date in which A1phasniper was removed from the DoJ.

After getting these pieces of information I will make a judgement.


Alpha was fired from his position as a Police Officer on May 16th of this year.

Alpha's response to the ultimatum will be attached. He clearly stated that he wanted to be retrained instead of fired, but he never recieved the retraining and was suddenly fired instead, contrary to what he chose in the ultimatum.

Alpha did act upon his instructions he received from the Sargeant, which is evident in his police reports which I unfortunately cannot access. The Defense is heavily relying upon the car example-- but all in all this is a petty reasoning for firing, especially if my client had better and easier means to travel to do his job.


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I apologize for not responding sooner. I was under the belief that I had posted a response earlier and took leave to allow Sprite to take a case or two.

Members of the court,

Starting with a request from the plaintiff to invoke the "Rules and Policies Training Act" which effectively states that government members cannot be fired for policies they were not made aware of. The core issue with this request is that it is very clear that A1phasniper was aware of the reasons for his firing.

I operate my court cases by giving each party a standard which, if met, heavily helps a party's case. In this instance I desired to see the plaintiff

  1. Showing good faith effort to his job
  2. Giving reasonable answers to claims against him

While the defense needed to

  1. Defend their reasons for firing A1phasniper
  2. Properly expand A1pha was fired despite choosing re-training in his given ultimatum.

I do not believe that the Plaintiff has met either of his conditions. He was found to be disrespectful, unresponsive, and inactive in his job. His responses did not inspire good faith efforts to improve.

A1pha simply ignored his superior officer
began to ignore Johnnyboi12345 to deter any further disrespectful behavior.

Did not do his job
“He barely did anything”

And did not keep up with his police vehicles despite orders from the DoJ minister.
A1pha has lost his police car many times.

I do believe that the DoJ had every right to fire A1phasniper. For the reasons above, the DoJ could have fired A1pha without controversy or cause for concern. And had this happened this case would have been dismissed before it could have gotten this far.

However, BH had issued an ultimatum to A1phasniper. By giving A1phasniper the option to retrain, the DoJ admitted that either its training protocols are flawed, A1phasniper's training was flawed, or his knowledge of proper procedures was inomplete. Either way, A1phasniper would have every reason to act conservatively in his work as a police officer afterwards. A1pha was clearly on thin ice. He was told as much. This means that either A1pha continued to use his prior flawed training to do his job or did do his job at all. A1pha could not be sure of what was expected of him as his previous methods of policing were found to be ineffective but he was not retaught as the DoJ promised.

It is for this reason I find that the DoJ wrongfully dismissed A1phasniper. The DoJ is to retrain and reinstate A1phasniper effective immediately

The court is now adjourned.

Court Adjourned

This case was presided by Judge Tree60NoScope
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