Rescinded Trespassing of Government Property


Trespassing of Government Property (11 Ayes | 0 Nays)
Bill proposed by: FlappyChickens
- Elaboration & Reasoning: In order to restrict players from going where they are unwanted, its a good idea to make it illegal. Therefore I suggest that if caught a police officer on private government area, the player will be fined. For example, if we don't want players walking on the airport's runways or hiding in the gov. building's bushed, we can fee them. Then they wont get in anyone's precious way. Suggested Law: - Trespassing on Government Restricted Property is not allowed.
  • First Offense: k15 fine.
  • Second Offense: k40 fine.
  • Third Offense: k40 fine + 5 minutes of jail.
  • Fourth Offense: k40 fine + 10 minutes of jail.
This bill can be found here